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Adek stood in front of the portal with his squadron of warriors, Krista beside him. She took out the portal key from her inventory and stuck it into the pedestal, the orange portal lighting up. It's vortex had a slight tug, and she stood with her hand on a short dagger she'd commissioned after she had gifted Sam her original blade. She hoped he still used it. Adek turned to face her.

"This is a most strange situation indeed," he spoke in his thick, mechanical accent, "I hope that somehow, I can save my enslaved brethren, and bring them back into their own minds."

"Aye, shall we go?"

"Let us go."

They climbed up the smooth stone staircase. Krista felt the familiar yet still strange sensation that was dimension hopping, like a pulling sensation that reversed when she stepped through to the other side. She found herself in an odd place, the greenery she'd last seen when she'd left was drained of some degree of colour. A pair of purple Droug guards faced them, their expressions blank. Adek seemed to hesitate for a moment before shooting them. He appeared to be stuck in a bit of a dilemma.

"This is wrong. A good soldier should be buried, not taken and reused for some low minded scum like that human, William."

"Indeed. These were once noble soldiers with good hearts," a Droug soldier said from behind Adek, "I suppose William took out their minds and hearts, they didn't recognise you, Captain."

They quickly dispersed through the trees around the portal, trying to find a way to get to the Black Plasma residence as soon as possible. They all began navigating through the underbrush, when a purple glow emanated from another edge of the woods.

Several more of the other Droug then came from behind a nearby building, which stuck up oddly enough, only one floor. It was still fairly large, though its height, or lack thereof, was puzzling. Krista looked backwards at Adek, who was accompanying her to relay instructions to the rest of his soldiers.

"Tell them to skirt around the place, and continue on with the plan. I'm going in to investigate."

After a brief moment of confusion, the Droug captain nodded. He contacted the spread out Droug using whatever alien technology they had. The Felina crept about the very edge of the bushes, trying her best to conceal her bright, blue hair. As soon as she spotted a break in the guard's defences, she dashed over, silently swift. There was one open door, which looked to tower above her by at least ten feet. She quickly scuttled inside. Looking down, she realised why the main building was so short, there was a massive, steep staircase to the side, and many strange tools for uses unknown were strewn across the tables in the expansive warehouse.

It smelled cold and musty, and so empty she felt almost like she was floating. Krista took a step towards a table, and examined a few tools. The thin metal rods shone in the half light, sending a few rippling reflections along the surface of the table. They looked to be used for metalworking, and some soldering equipment. Some tweezers and needles were strewn across the surface, though she dared not touch those, for fear of what they had come into contact with. Looking at the staircase, she slid over to the hand railings. Gripping the slightly rusted iron, she hopped down the steps, each one making a booming sound that hurt her sensitive ears.

When she made it to the next floor, she saw something rather terrifying. Parts of Drougs' armour and weapons were scattered, disassembled and thrown carelessly around the floor. Another staircase wound down along the opposite wall, seeming to go down endlessly. She hurried over once again, stepping on a wrench, which clanged against the concrete ground with another uncomfortable din. This staircase's railing was even more worn, and smoother than the other one. It was also slick with some sort of dark liquid that smelled tangy. She slid down the stairs, trying her very best to stay quiet, both for her own ears and to hide her presence from anyone else.

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