Terrorist's Escape

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"Breaking news! A terrorist attack has occurred in the city court shortly after Thalleous Sendaris was proven guilty for the assassination of the previous master of the Sendaris gang." A reporter said on the TV in Ingressus and Achillean's home, standing in front of the courtroom that had been attacked earlier.

"The judge and various innocents were fatally stabbed or shot by Sendaris gunmen working for Thalleous. The death count is rumored to be somewhere in the dozens, with new deaths happening as some victims are unable to recover in the hospitals. Thalleous, the main perpetrator of the attack, escaped, but most of the gunmen were killed and a companion of his named Tygren Voltaris was apprehended by police, bringing an end to the attack. Osivian Sendaris, previously accused of having murdered the last gang master, has been deemed innocent and pardoned by law enforcement. Many members of the Sendaris gang have betrayed Thalleous and it appears that a civil war has begun among the gang itself, with Thalleous and his loyalists having retreated out of public. We here at Plasmatropolis News send our deepest condolences to the families of those killed or harmed in this vile event. Now we turn to David R.B of the Black Plasma Studios team, who was present at the event."

The cameraman turned to reveal David standing nearby. The reporter handed him the microphone so he could speak.

"First of all, I will concede with the reporter." David stated. "My best wishes, and my deepest sorrows, go to the friends and family of the victims of this tragedy. In all honesty, Plasmatropolis has not seen something this awful since the Droug Invasion."

"It is in part thanks to the brave efforts of your team that the situation was not even worse." The reporter pointed out.

"You should thank the ones known as Ingressus Voltaris and Achillean Nestoris as well." David mentioned. "They contributed to the investigation of the previous master's murder. Without the evidence they helped gather, Sam would never have been able to win the trial." David turned to the camera. "I know you are watching this. Thank you, Ingressus, Achillean."

Achillean turned to Ingressus, and smiled at him. He appreciated David's gratefulness.

"You were a major contributor to the resistance against the Droug in the invasion seven years ago." The reporter said to David. "Did this remind you of the invasion in any way?"

"It did, undoubtedly." David nodded. "But this horrible event hits me far worse. At least in the case of the Droug Invasion, I can remember a city with its people united against an enemy from beyond. But this, this was the opposite of unity. This was sheer chaos. How the people of Plasmatropolis can kill each other like this... it disturbs me. And that is why I have had to make a tough decision."

"And... what decision is that?" The reporter asked.

"I have discussed this with the team and with city authorities." David stated. "The five Ardoni gangs have too much influence and power in Plasmatropolis. We're shutting them down, once and for all. The operation to do so begins tomorrow. The police are already preparing for it."

Now, Achillean was shocked. "They're going to... Shut down the gangs?!" He exclaimed.

Ingressus too, was stunned for a moment, before reaching a conclusion, "I guess we've been a real thorn in their sides since we formed, and that Thalleous was just the last straw. I suppose it's for the best."

He looked at the Nestoris, a hint of playful regret in his eyes, "Ah well, at least no one has a reason to judge us now."

Achillean got close to Ingressus and wrapped his arms around him, cuddling his boyfriend. The Voltaris relaxed and allowed himself to sink further into the present, forgetting the past and not worrying about the future.

"I think we should watch a movie or something. I don't want to listen to this news anymore." Achillean told him, finally releasing Ingressus.

He nodded, "Yeah, the news is just all about the same things anyway."

They put on a movie, and watched for a long while. At multiple times, Achillean fell asleep, only to wake up a little while later in Ingressus' arms.

Finally, when the movie concluded, they remained on the couch in silence for a few minutes. Then, his phone rang from nearby. Ingressus got up to answer it.

"Ingressus, you there?" The voice on the other end asked. It was none other than David.

"Yes, this is Ingressus. David, what's the matter?"

"I wanted to contact you because I've got an idea. I know someone who can help figure out more about this whole situation." David explained. "Meet us at the Black Plasma residence and we'll find them."

"Alright, at what time and what day? It's eleven at night right now, and I feel as slow as a snail."

"Tomorrow morning at eight."

"Sounds good."

He hung up on the human, then relayed the message back to Achillean.

"Oh! Who do you think it is?"

"I'm not sure, it has to be someone important though, if they want us to meet them in person."

"Then we should go!" Achillean declared.


He'd counted on the Mobillium for his escape with him, but as soon as he heard the Voltaris shout, he knew he'd made a grave mistake, and was too late to turn back.

Thalleous picked up the yellow song that sat on Tygren's bedside table, knowing that it had failed him. Staring into its golden depths, he sighed sadly.

He went over to the desk, and flicked through the notebook. As he turned each page, he came closer and closer to crying, his heart tearing itself to pieces over the pencil drawings. Each page had a different subject, though there were still many that related to him.

"I'm so sorry, Tygren..." He choked, "I should've saved you instead of running. I was selfish and now I'm something less than vermin-" He slapped the notebook closed as he'd often seen his boyfriend do, and let the tears run.

He turned out of the room and went back out of the door, closing it as he went. He sat alone at their kitchen table, burying his face in his arms to hide it. He sat hunched like that for a while after he finished crying, before an idea came to him. It was absurd to think about, but his shattered mind couldn't think of anything else to distract him, and he reached desperately for the idea. It was outrageously risky, but it was all he could do. He could have a chance at getting Tygren out. Or die trying.

Tygren, I'm coming for you, and I'm going to get you out of there.

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