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ZAMination's Zach sat at Black Plasma Studios' meeting room table, opposite Seth, from EnchantedMob. David sat with Sam and Knight beside him. Dan from Element Animation was sandwiched between Skyfall and Galleous, while Achillean, once again, stood further away from the central light and table, next to Omeleto. Krista stood with Zikiaitan under her arm, gazing at the gathering worriedly. Nitrox was not present, as he had yet to recover from the two potions that had been thrown at him. Isacx from 3A Display was also present.

"Hopefully you all understand this isn't a waste of your time," David addressed the entire meeting, "I would assume all of you have been watching the news lately and know why you're here."

"Yes, we do, now let's get to the point," Zach added, "There have been many different sorts of problems in the city. We need to divide up our forces evenly to quell each threat separately."

Knight shot him a slightly barbed look, "I suggest we all go ahead and fight one enemy at a time with a larger force, then move together to the next issue."

"Both are good suggestions," Isacx noted, "Though we must evaluate our options evenly. Let us imagine that we are to accept Zach's plan. If each of our separate forces go and fight Thalleous and William at once, then we wouldn't be able to assist each other if the plans go awry. However, if we follow Knight's plan, we could be surrounded by Thalleous' forces if we go to battle William, and vice versa."

"How about we do this quietly, with assassins and espionage? You all saw how efficient Ciantrius was."

"That wouldn't be easy. Ciantrius was already a double agent, and recruiting Sendaris from The Madman's forces would be next to impossible."

David looked to Omeleto, who was half shadowed by the bulk of the Ardoni next to him, "Hey, how about we all have a vote?"

"Sounds a little weird, considering the situation, but go ahead."

"Wait," Seth interjected, "I have an idea. Most of us have immense armies. Millions of people for some of us. We could split up, but not in the way Zach suggested. For example, each one of us could split off part of our respective armies and merge them into a mixed force for one specific location, and this could be repeated for the others as well. The only problem, I believe, is that some of us lack commanders to lead certain parts of our armies if we split them up that way. For you guys here at Black Plasma Studios, you have, six, or is it seven animators now?"

"Seven, yes." David nodded. "Since recently."

"Right, so it wouldn't be difficult for you to divide your armies into seven smaller units each placed under the command of one animator." Seth acknowledged. "But some of us don't have any backup here. I'm pretty much alone in the case of EnchantedMob."

Krista looked up from Zikaitan, and swept her teal gaze over the congregation, "You all must not forget Adek and his own forces, who are ready to come through the portal whenever we need it."

"Aye, that is true, however, his portal is being guarded by William's Droug, from your own account, Krista," David acknowledged, "It would most certainly alert William, via that crown of his, that there are beings coming through the portal, and they'll most likely be attacked."

"That didn't happen the last time," Thomas pointed out.

"Most likely because they were just caught off guard," Skyfall countered. "William will be expecting and preparing for Adek's return."

Zikaitan looked at the table, then at Krista, then back at the table again, "What if Adek distracts William while we pick off his soldiers from behind?"

"That works!" Krista exclaimed. "You're a genius, Ziki!"

"Certainly good at military planning for a child," Dan remarked.

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