Endless Conflict

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Thalleous ground his diamond greatsword against the blazing purple blade in front of him. The armoured human growled as he attempted to push back, their swords grating against one another with an ear piercing screech. The Ardoni's strength however, was greater than William's, and he fell forward for a moment when the human slid away, moving his blade off to the left.

"Stupid Ardoni!" He spat.

"Weak human."

Thalleous tossed around and parried another blow from his opponent. He quickly spun around to face the human, jabbing his sword beneath William's outstretched arms. It bounced off the human's silvery-grey armour, though it did leave an indent in the metal. William gasped and stumbled backwards. Thalleous took this opportunity to slash at the human's exposed face, attempting to jab him through the eye. He saw the blade, however, and spun out of the way of the Ardoni's weapon, grazing himself on the cheek. The cut welled with crimson blood, stark against his pale complexion. He grimaced. In retaliation, he swung his own sword at the Sendaris' exposed neck, but like himself, he turned away at the last possible moment. The plasma blade sailed overhead harmlessly.

"Hah! Slow as a snail!" Thalleous jeered.

"At least I don't murder innocents for some silly romance!"

The Sendaris recoiled, as if his words were another blade that was swung at his heart.

"You keep captives and torture them for no reason!"

"You commit terrorist attacks for no other reason than-"

Thalleous did not wait for William to finish his sentence, and yelling, flung himself at the human. His height was his greatest advantage, as he stood over a foot and a half taller than William. He bore down the human with his weight, and attempted to pin his opponent down to the ground, or rather, the roof they were fighting on. The slippery Droug armour proved to be to the human's advantage, however, and he slid out from beneath the Sendaris, flinging his sword at him.

Thalleous blocked the slash with a flick of his arm, his greatsword catching on the disc-shaped guard of the sword. It slid off the guard and missed the human's exposed knuckles by less than an inch. He twirled the wide blade about, then slammed the flat against the human's left forearm, hard. It banged against the armour with a loud clang, and a crack could be heard as the bone beneath broke. William screamed with pain, and he jumped back several paces. A stream of blood oozed out from beneath the metal plate, dripping from his limp, seemingly paralysed fingers. His grip of the purple plasma sword tightened, and he charged at Thalleous. The Sendaris merely sidestepped his stab and spun his greatsword around, preparing another assault on William's vital organs.

The human dodged as many of the blows as he could, though one blow landed a long, thin scratch on his leg.

Thalleous let out a laugh as he taunted the human,"You're just as pathetic as that little runt of yours. What a fool, running into a shootout! Did he get his brains from his father?"

This seemed to strike William hard, as if this were a subject of equal sensitivity to him as Tygren was to Thalleous. Their duel continued for a few more minutes, but it was evident that the human could not compete against the uninjured Ardoni.

In the fights below them,the clang of sword on sword was nearly deafening, and occasional rumbles would sound beneath their feet, as something moved inside the building. David was holding off five Droug at once, killing them off one by one while still keeping the others at bay. Knight, surrounded by several of his warriors, was driving purple Droug away from the entrance of the factory, a pile of metal slowly building up in front of them. Skyfall was fighting back to back with Seth, felling one Droug warrior after another. However, Mont's battle was not faring well, around a hundred human corpses surrounded him, along with a ring of Sendaris and Droug. Many of the troops under his command were trying to kill off the wall of bodies, but they were still hard pressed to fend off the snarling Ardoni and the smooth, metal Droug.

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