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"Thalleous, what sort of plan was that? You could've died, or been discovered!"

"Ah well, it's done now."

Tygren sighed at the Sendaris Master, shaking his head, exasperated. He'd grown distant ever since he'd acquired his position, despite his multiple attempts to at least take him out. He swung his legs over the edge of his bed.

"Thall, it's been at least three months since we last went out, and staying out of sight of the other Sendaris and Voltaris hasn't been awfully fun. I'm beginning to suspect that Ingressus has an eye on us."

"Calm yourself, Tygren, he's too busy toying about with that Nestoris of his to notice us."

"I'm serious, it's like he's stalking me, asking me whether I know anything about you and what you've done to get yourself in your position. I have a sneaking suspicion he knows about us."

"Yeah, yeah, and fish can fly."

"Still, we have to be a little more careful."

"Alright, Tygren, I know you're just nagging now," He smiled at the Voltaris, "We can go out for a coffee tomorrow."

"Hmph, whatever you say, I guess."

He walked over to a desk with a single notebook and pencil. He flopped into the chair, exhausted by the effort it had taken to get that response from the Sendaris. He opened the notebook and allowed his hand to move of its own free will. After an indistinct amount of time, Thalleous looked over the Voltaris' shoulder.

"Whatcha drawing there, Tygie?"

"Huh?" He snapped his mind back to his body, and saw that he'd drawn a surprisingly good replica of his boyfriend's sword, complete with a seperate sketch of its carved scabbard.

"Oh, this, I guess I zoned out a little. It's not that great." He slapped the book's cover closed.

"Not that great? It's amazing, Tygren!"

He sagged his shoulders tiredly, "You say the same thing every time I sit down and draw mindlessly. Do you really mean it?"

"Of course I do, when have I not meant anything?" His smile was genuine this time. He got out of his chair and embraced the Sendaris tightly, allowing himself to sink into his partner's grip.

"I love you, Thally."

"Love you too."


The Black Plasma team, accompanied by Ingressus and Achilean, had made their way to the headquarters of the Sendaris gang, where the previous master had been murdered. Multiple Sendaris were there, as well as local police officers and various people in suits. As the Studio approached, everyone moved aside to let them in. There were some shocked and uneasy faces when they realized they were accompanied by the Voltaris and Nestoris, however, they were still too afraid to come too close. A few odd looks flitted in the people's eyes, as they spied the gloves that the two Ardoni wore.

"Alright, everyone, calm down. These two have knowledge that's necessary for the investigation. We brought them along to help." David announced. A lot of people nodded and stepped aside for them to enter.

Once inside the headquarters, they proceeded to examine the building. Nothing was peculiar here. They approached the room where the master of the Sendaris gang was supposed to reside. Two Sendaris guards blocked the door.

"We request entry." David told them. "For investigation purposes." The Sendaris guards nodded and opened the doors for them, lowering their pikes. As they entered the room, they found a few more Sendaris and some police officers examining a scene. Two other guards had been murdered as well, and the body of the Sendaris master was still there. The markings on all three corpses were extinguished.

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