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Thalleous turned a corner, one teal eye uncovered by the dark concrete wall. He glared at the building that was his old headquarters. He knew Ciantrius had to be there somewhere, where else would he go aside from the place where his true master had ruled from? He giggled like a child as he saw a pale blue Sendaris exit the building, speaking to the guard at the door, who went inside. He recognised it as Aevatros, Ciantrius' assistant, the one who'd reported him first. He had also been an agent of Osivian, but had snitched on Ciantrius to protect himself. He slid back out of the light of the streetlamps.

Selfishness will not go unpunished.

He readied his greatsword, adjusting his grip until the balance of the steel and diamond blade felt right. He noted, also, how the Ardoni walked with a fearful haste, as if worried someone would appear and kill him. He pressed back up against the wall, peering down the alleyway again. Aevatros had nearly made it out, when he leapt out, tackling the other Sendaris to the ground.

Thalleous laughed, "Snitches get stitches, or just massive stab wounds!"

The assistant yelled at him, "Get off me you absolute psycho!"

In response, he drove the blade deep into his shoulder, eliciting a pained scream from the pale, mint blue Sendaris. He chuckled with delight at his pain, "Would you like all this to stop?"

"Please, just, stop!"

The teal Sendaris drove the point of the sword into his gut, not in a particularly fatal area. He wanted him to suffer for his treason.

"You never had any reason to dislike me!" screamed Aevatros.

"You are a backstabbing traitor!"

He plunged the greatsword into his neck, the sword stopping when it hit his spine. The yelling ceased in the quiet street, and the markings beneath him dimmed to black. He smirked and pushed himself upwards, blood dripping off his limbs. He snuck into the shadowed sides of the buildings, dragging his hood over his head.

The same guard from before now ran up to the mauled body, his voice yelling warnings to whomever was listening. Thalleous smiled to himself as he saw the Ardoni he was after walking out of the door, a horrified gasp being heard in the silent streets. The doctor rushed out, but the guard gripped his arm before allowing him to go any further.

"Ciantrius, sir, your assistant was murdered."

"That's obvious!"

He looked down at his feet, "By Thalleous."

The doctor froze, "What?"

"Those cuts are made by Thalleous' greatsword. I have no doubt."

Ciantrius furrowed his brow. Thalleous took this moment to leap out from behind his hiding place and tackled the doctor down, the guard falling down beside him. Quickly slashing his greatsword at the Sendaris, the guard fell, blood slickening the asphalt ground, light leaving his eyes. Thalleous slammed his hands on Ciantrius' shoulders, a bloody smile on his face.

"Ready to go join your lovely little assistant? He was most pleasurable to kill-"

"What in the Nether is wrong with you?"

"Oh, you know, losing your soulmate is... Damaging," He laughed again, a horrible noise akin to a choking animal.

Ciantrius bunched up a fist, hitting his adversary as hard as he could. Thalleous hardly flinched, his dimly lit grin ghastly in the half light. He pressed his knee against the doctor's throat, and Ciantrius' vision exploded into a showering dance of red and green. He tried to scream, but the flow of air was cut short, and Thalleous took the time to laugh at the dying Sendaris. Finally, finally, he would have his revenge.

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