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As the door to Nitrox's gas station opened, he didn't initially look up. "Came to buy something?" He asked, nonchalantly.

"As a matter of fact, yes."

"Galleous, is that you?" He questioned, confused by his new way of speaking, which was smoother than usual.

At that moment, Nitrox decided to look up and gasped in shock when he realized who it was. It wasn't Galleous, but the Ardoni standing in front of him looked almost identical to him. It was none other than Thalleous himself, accompanied by who he assumed was Tygren. Nitrox jumped back in his chair.

"Thalleous, you'd better get out of here. You aren't welcome after what you did." Nitrox declared once he came to his senses.

"Ah, is that so?" His voice was dangerously calm.

"That sure is so. Now get out. I won't tell you again."

"Oh, you won't tell me again. Can't speak if you're dead."

He unsheathed his sword, Tygren doing the same at his side, their bulk mostly blocking any escape routes. Right at that moment, the door burst open and a grey hand dragged Tygren out of the door. Orangey-red horns peeked up from the tussle outside as Ingressus held the other Voltaris.

"Nitrox!" David's voice came from multiple places at once, as he dodged beneath the diamond blade that swung about.


"We came to warn you but I guess we were a little late-"

"Brother, why are you here?" Galleous remarked, flinching a little at the sight of the greatsword.

Nitrox took his bow and a quiver of arrows out of his inventory and aimed it at Thalleous. The Black Plasma team, Ingressus, Achillean, Galleous, and Kai were all here, having arrived in time to stop something awful from happening. Nitrox knew he probably wouldn't have been able to hold off Thalleous and Tygren on his own, and he was glad for their timely appearance.

"We have you a battalion against one."

"I like those odds"

Sam, Omeleto, Knight, Skyfall and Kai drew their swords, the scrape of metal against their sheaths echoed outdoors through the empty streets. David flipped out a pair of pistols and Thomas held out a short dagger. Achillean's hands gripped tightly on his staff. The yells from the Voltaris outside were heard, though muffled, through the walls of the store.

"This ends now, Thalleous Sendaris." Kai said, anger evident on her face.

"One way or another," added Sam.

"You talk big for a human." He retorted, a sneer on his face.

Galleous spoke up, "Brother, what you've done with the blade I forged for you is unforgivable, and this day, you will atone for the atrocities you have commited."

Without a second word, the ring of warriors converged on the Sendaris, who, cornered, used his Aggressium, flinging several backwards. Kai managed to keep some semblance of balance, falling into a half-crouch, Sam and Omeleto tripping over the rumbling ground. At that moment, Tygren broke free from Ingressus' grip and stormed in, dragging Thalleous out of the store. Everyone dashed after the two Ardoni, who were both trying to evade Ingressus' flaming broadsword.

Achillean jumped onto Thalleous' back, making the Sendaris lose his grip from Tygren's hand with his staff. Thalleous' attention was now drawn towards the Nestoris.

"I had enough, Achillean!" He whipped around, their weapons clashed as the enchantments of their weapons glowed brightly. Achillean spun his dual bladed staff, aiming at his neck. Thalleous slashed his sword to block every blade that attempted to hit him. Thalleous then used his Mobillium song to hit Achillean in repeated succession. He appeared right in front of Achillean and gave him a sidewinder kick right on the head.

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