Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire

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Tygren sat alone in his prison cell. He'd been kept in police custody ever since he'd been caught at the courthouse massacre. Two officers guarded the cell, keeping their eyes firmly locked on the Voltaris.

"I wonder," One of the cops addressed to Tygren, "What did you ever hope to gain?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't know. Do you just like participating in terrorist attacks?" The cop responded.

Tygren gave an icy glare, "And do you people just like to interfere with people loving each other?"

"You won't interfere for much longer." A voice sounded from behind the guard.

The officer turned to face the source of the voice, "Who's there? Come out!"

A diamond blade sprouted from the guard's chest, and he fell to the ground, blood leaking from his mouth.


"You dare oppose me mortal? There are consequences to your actions." He kicked the corpse off the blade.

The second cop raised his gun and fired at Thalleous which was deflected by his sword. The officer suddenly whipped out a device with a button and pressed it frantically. An alarm promptly went off.

The cop then fired again, this time missing in his panic. Thalleous laughed at his misfortune.

"Ah well, I might as well put you out of your misery." He quickly jabbed a vein on the guard's neck, and sprayed with blood, turned to Tygren.

"I'm here to get you out of this sewage system." He said, handing him his yellow song. Tygren quickly put it back in his inventory and used it, flashing out of the cell.

The Voltaris looked up at him, "Thank you."

Thalleous leaned in and kissed Tygren.

"Why save me again? You left me in that courtroom, remember? Don't think that I could just forgive you that easily."

"I couldn't go back or they would've got me too, and I never would've had the chance to save you." Thalleous assured. "I had a reason to leave you behind. It does make me guilty, though. I could barely get over it enough to come here for you." He got up again. "Come on, let's get out of here!"

As soon as he said that, a squadron of guards pushed through the hallway, guns in hand and determination on their faces. As soon as they saw the bodies of the two guards, they began to run faster. Thalleous gripped Tygren's hand, and he activated his Mobillium.


Thalleous and Tygren teleported away, outside of the prison walls. A helicopter was waiting for them outside. As they neared the vehicle, a ladder was thrown down from its open side. Tygren leaped onto the ladder and scurried up, Thalleous following close behind. The Sendaris in the cockpit gave them a satisfied smirk and pointed to the unconscious human on the ground nearby.

"Sir! I hijacked the helicopter as soon as the human started it up. We have about three hours to get out of here before the fuel runs out."

"That should be sufficient. Try to aim towards the outerlands of Plasmatropolis, the people there won't want to come near any strangers."

"Yes, sir." The Sendaris pilot nodded. The helicopter began flying away just as cops began shooting. They were too late, for the aircraft soon flew out of range of the bullets. Thalleous flopped back onto the back seats, Tygren sitting by his side, clutching at his stomach.

"They said that they 'forgot' to send a meal to me last night and this morning. I suspect they just wanted me to suffer."

"Did they now?" The Sendaris grew shocked at the cruelty shown to the Voltaris, "We're gonna have to either disguise ourselves and buy stuff or rob another store."

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