Half Empty, Half Full

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"Honey, I'm home!"

Achillean nearly choked on his glass of water as the familiar voice rang out. The front door was open and an orangy-red glow emanated from the doorway.

"Ingressus? How-"

"They discharged me because I asked to be. I was sick of being stuck watching the same white walls every day, every night."

"But, are you fit to walk? And how did you get back here?"

"I caught a bus, and I'm fine, Achi."

"But you got shot, and it's only been a month!"

Ingressus smiled a little, "And I heal quickly. I'm glad to see you're okay."

The Nestoris stood up, showing the Voltaris the numerous cuts and bruises along his arms, chin and a dried spot of blood in his armpit, a sarcastic grin on his face, "I wish I could hug you, but I'm in too much pain for that."

"Aw, that's a little disappointing," he shrugged, "Oh well, you want something to eat?"

"Not really, in all honesty. I don't have an appetite," he paused for a moment, "Have... Have you heard about what happened to those three Sendaris?"


"Then I guess not. Sit down, Ingressy, it's gonna be awhile before I finish talking."

The two of them walked over to the living room, settling down on the couch. Achillean grabbed a thin blanket on the way over, settling down beside the Voltaris. He covered the both of them, rearranging the fabric around them. He sighed.

"I'm going to start with what William has done lately. He's allied with some of the Sendaris who are not under Thalleous' command. I don't know why, but that's just the way of the world. Their leader is Osivian's daughter, Ria. Do you know her?"

"I think I've heard her name some time ago. I'm not sure, but I think she has an iron weapon or something, right?"

"A spear," Achillean corrected, "But that's not too important. What's important is that Thalleous killed three of Ria's forces. But the thing is that two of them were Ciantrius and Aevatros, Osivian's agents."

"Them? They probably should've expected that. What else would Thalleous do if he came across the murderers of his beloved?"

"They didn't deserve to die though, they were just following orders-"

"Ah well, Thalleous is insane, expect nothing less."

Achillean frowned, slight sadness in his expression, "I fought Thalleous during the battle. I managed to get him to retreat."

"You did?" Ingressus now looked shocked, worry in his voice, "That's why you're so cut up!"

"Yeah, but at least I actually won a battle of my own for once."

"Oh, but you're an incredible fighter!"

"Just, listen," the Nestoris quietly shuffled closer to the Voltaris, "We're going to have to fight again as soon as Thalleous reappears. We estimate that to be in about a week, and David said that you would be very valuable as a fighter, but you can't possibly be fit for that!"

"I'm ready to fight whenever need be, you must know that. I just need to train and practise a little."

"You have to rest. Thalleous is so much more dangerous now, he's gone absolutely berserk, he fought and defeated William Lothan, and still managed to hold me off for a while. Ria and her forces are also very dangerous, you should've seen what they did to Mont's troops!"

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