Sworn Oaths

261 11 16

Thalleous crouched on a branch in a tree, watching Osivian light a campfire. Though the days of hunting for themselves were long over, some of the Ardoni had still been trained in the arts of foraging. The light blue Sendaris had drawn a hooded jacket over his vest in order to conceal his glowing horns. His eyes, however, were still a giveaway of his location, so he sat in the thickest bundle of leaves he could and squinted whenever possible. He also noticed that Osivian had only picked long-dead and dried up leaves to start the flame, in order to prevent any smoke from forming. Thalleous chuckled to himself. That would've been the last of his worries. He had tracked the other Sendaris from some train tracks all the way to this clearing, and was watching, waiting for an ample opportunity to kill him.

Osivian took out a rabbit's carcasse from his inventory, and gathering a few sticks, he fashioned a spit to cook the animal on. He slashed open the animal's torso, and fished out the organs, burying them in a hole he'd dug. He impaled the animal with the spit and set it over the fire to roast. At that moment, he looked up.

The other Ardoni now jumped from the tree, landing just a foot behind Osivian, his greatsword in hand. He slashed at the dark blue Sendaris, who rolled out of the way with a split second to spare. When he turned around, he was holding his shotgun, holding it defensively in front of him.

"What are you doing here, Thalleous?"

He replied with a psychotic grin on his face, "I'm here for a chat."

"How long have you been watching me for?"

"Oh, a long while now. I'd expect a hunter like you would've had more skill in identifying sounds."


"That's obvious enough, now tell me, why did you kill Tygren?" His voice was deceptively calm.

"He was a terrorist, as much as you!"

"Wrong. He did not involve himself in my business as long as I was safe. But you insisted on killing him, just to hurt me. It was a fool's decision, Osivian," Thalleous spat, "If I were you, I'd have had that agent of yours kill me whilst I was ill. Now, I have recovered from my wounds, and you won't see the light of day, ever again."

He jabbed his greatsword at Osivian's gut, but it was parried by a desperate swing of the other Ardoni's shotgun. He aimed his shotgun at Thalleous' head, who knocked the barrel aside with a lazy flick of the sword. He then swung the sword at the other Ardoni's neck, but he dodged. He gave another stab at his chest but he missed once again. Osivian kicked Thalleous backward. Thalleous had exerted a lot of energy trying to strike his opponent, and Osivian used it to his advantage. Once again Osivian aimed at Thalleous and fired, but Thalleous deflected the bullet with his sword.

Thalleous teleported forward and slammed into Osivian, knocking him into a tree. The shotgun clattered to the ground. Thalleous rushed at his opponent and prepared to strike him with his greatsword, but Osivian managed to roll to the side and Thalleous' sword got stuck in the tree trunk. While Thalleous struggled to pull the sword out, Osivian picked up his shotgun and whacked him over the head with it. Osivian then grabbed Thalleous and tried to swing him onto the ground, but at that moment Thalleous pulled his sword out of the tree trunk and the force sent both falling to the ground.

Osivian got back to his feet first and crouched over Thalleous, punching him a few times, but then Thalleous used his Mobilium again, teleporting upward, above Osivian, and kicking him in the face as he fell back down. Osivian fell to the ground on his back, and the gun was knocked out of his hands. He groaned.

Thalleous had the chance to finish him right then and there, and he raised his sword with an unmatched determination. He would have no mercy on Osivian after what he had done to Tygren.

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