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"Thally? Thally?"

He shook the unconscious Sendaris by the shoulders.

"Stop doing that, Voltaris, you'll hurt him."

Another blue Ardoni clutching a clipboard gazed disapprovingly at Tygren, then turned, sweeping about, his blue scrubs glowing from underneath with his markings. It was Ciantrius, the Sendaris healer.

"Will he be alright?"

"Yes, if you stopped bothering him like that."

Tygren snorted slightly, looking away from the doctor. He stared up at the bright lights of the medical center in Thalleous' new headquarters. He let out a concerned and annoyed sigh, shaking his head at the medic. He was a short tempered man, though good at his job. Quite often, he would snap at anyone who interfered with his work. He had a collection of various Supporium and Protisium songs that he'd use and unequip later. This was just one of the many times Tygren had got in his way while treating his liegelord.

"Why hasn't he woken up yet?"

"Why do you have so many questions?" Ciantrius sighed, "In case you didn't notice, he has two large lacerations on his chest, one given by a regular blade, one made by Droug, and reprogrammed by Felinas. The Felina blade caused blisters to form, and the human blade cut deeper than it. He also lost a lot of blood, as well as using his Mobillium song whilst wounded."

The Voltaris gazed at the swathe of white bandages that bound the Sendaris leader's chest, worry upon his face. He turned to face the doctor, struggling to hold in a sharp retort.

"I- Thank you for helping Thalleous." He said, a little sourly.

He turned and strode out of the doorway, his red horns stark against the blues and whites of the walls. The doctor turned back the Thalleous, who was still in his comatose state.

Oh, mother of the Enderknights, why can't my life just be a little easier? Why couldn't Iralian just take her stupid shift? She's better at this than me, anyways..

Taking his leader's vitals again, he sighed with relief as he saw the other Sendaris' heartbeat grow steadier. With his most urgent tasks out of his way, he allowed his mind to wander, as he changed the bandages on Thalleous' chest.

What is with that Tygren of his that he likes so much? I think he just has too many questions, and is too dull to take any answers.

Ciantrius continued musing along those thoughts, as he exposed the two, intersecting wounds. They were both so deep at their crossing point, that the other Sendaris' sternum was visible from the surface, even through the numerous stitches along his chest. He grimaced at the gorey sight, and to take his mind off the visage in front of him, turned his attention to the news from earlier that day.

"It appears that a new threat is coming to Plasmatropolis. A strange man known only by the name William has raised an army of Droug soldiers, and has reprogrammed them to only obey his orders. We will report that he was said to only target Ardoni, as observed by David R.B, who was once again, present at the fighting just moments after the five Ardoni gangs were disbanded. He is, unfortunately, unavailable for a real time interview, and has instead provided us with a warning. Stay away from this individual, who is physically, average height, thin, male, has black hair and dull green eyes. If there is any more information on this man, please report to Black Plasma Studios or the police force immediately."

Hah, Droug... Yeah, yeah, sure... Fish can fly and I'm immortal. This has to all be a joke, surely.

He pulled out a long stretch of fresh bandages, which he bound to Thalleous' chest after he'd washed the wounds thoroughly. The white cloth whipped around him, as he passed it around with incredible speed and skill.

When he finished, he took a scalpel from the small desk he'd kept sterile for equipment and went to Tygren's room. He creaked open the door to check in on the sleeping Voltaris, whose markings glowed from beneath his covers. He snuck quietly over to his head, and jabbed his scalpel beneath his chin. A quiet gurgle sounded as the red Ardoni woke, and tried to curse, but he'd angled the blow just right, so that his vocal chords were severed, along with the airway. Ciantrius took joy in the horrified expression of the Voltaris, as his markings faded, and his mission for Osivian was complete.


For the first time in years, ever since Achillean had met Ingressus, he was alone. Alone in his mind, as he waited for the reports to come back. Alone in their house, as he hadn't been in over six years. Alone. His eyes watered as he cried, alone for the first time. He allowed them to fall, to drip against the kitchen counter and fall onto the floor below. He sobbed, each convulsion representing another maddening wave of sadness that pressed against his psyche.

Unable to hold any semblance of identity left, he fell into a dark, dripping cauldron of his own sadness and a premature sense of loss. He was sick of only seeing Ingressus unconscious, of not seeing him smile, of not hearing his voice. It wasn't natural for someone to tinker with life and death, yet two people had already killed several sections of him. Tygren had murdered Kai, William's Droug shooting Ingressus. He could feel his mind rumbling and his heart shattering, but he forced himself to turn on the TV.

He pretended that Ingressus was beside him, his head resting on the Voltaris' shoulders, his body being held by his arms. He missed the warmth that they shared whenever they spent time like that. Another tear splashed down his face as the same gloomy vibe resided over the studio. Suddenly, a new topic came on.

"RoA Nitrox has informed Black Plasma Studios that from his outpost in the Outerlands of Plasmatropolis, he has found Thalleous Sendaris' new headquarters. He also reports that Tygren Voltaris is dead, though the cause of which is still unknown. It is said that suicide was the reason..."

Achillean sat with an open mouth, habitually turning to face Ingressus, and looking back down when he remembered. He could hardly believe that Tygren was dead. Though he was glad that the other Voltaris was no longer around to harm anyone else, he was still morbidly curious about the true cause of his death. Then he remembered the impulses that had gotten him into the situation in the first place, and decided to leave the investigation to the police.

The Nestoris sat on the couch for a little while longer, looking at the TV, but not truly seeing. After some indistinct amount of time, he got up, deciding to visit Ingressus in the hospital. He hoped, once again, that maybe, just maybe, he would be awake and waiting for him.

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