Help from the Outerlands

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Black Plasma Studios, accompanied by Ingressus and Achillean, had arrived at a lonely gas station an hour or so away from Plasmatropolis. There was nothing impressive to be seen - it was quite simply a gas station.

"Excuse me, but who even are we supposed to find here?" Achillean asked.

"You will see in a moment." David told him. "Come inside."

The group made their way to the gas station and entered. There was nothing peculiar on the inside of this gas station, either. A small store with candies and snacks and all that nonsense. There was a human at the cashier's desk - most likely the cashier. The human had black hair, and an outfit that seemed to be a mix of black and blue clothes, but he was looking down, and his face couldn't be seen.

David made his way over to the cashier. The cashier didn't look up. "You came to order something?" He asked.

"How does a little assistance sound?" David asked. At the sound of his voice, the cashier immediately perked up, revealing his face. Peculiarly, the man seemed to have red eyes.

"David?" The cashier asked, shocked.

"Nitrox!" David greeted. "Good to see you again, old pal. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"I already know why you're here. The news reaches this far out, too." Nitrox remarked. Yes, of course, RoA Nitrox, an old member of BPS who had retired years ago, just shortly before the Droug Invasion. "So, you want me to help you stop Thalleous, hm?"

"That's about right." David told him.

"Come on David, I told you this when I quit. I'm done with that sort of thing. I'm just living the mundane life now." Nitrox claimed. "I don't want to go on adventures and make crazy content like I used to. That time is over for me."

"Look, I understand that, but if you don't want to help, at least, can you tell us something?" Achillean asked, walking up to Nitrox.

"Yes?" Nitrox asked, raising an eyebrow. He appeared to recognise the Nestoris.

"What do you know about Galleous Sendaris?"

"Oh, Galleous." Nitrox remarked, chuckling. "He's a frequent customer here. A resident of the outer lands just like myself. I guarantee you if you guys just stick around, he'll come right to you."

"He is?" Ingressus asked.

"Yes, he is. Why don't you make yourselves at home, if you're waiting for him?" Nitrox offered.

"Do you have any chairs or something we can sit down on?" asked Ingressus, again.

"Oh yes, but I only have a few. I wasn't expecting this many people today. Sorry." Nitrox explained and apologized. Nitrox grabbed five foldable chairs and placed them on the floor in front of the counter.

"Most of us are able to stand." Sam assured.

Sam, David, Ingressus, Achillean and Nitrox sat down on the foldable chairs, waiting for Galleous.

While waiting, a customer entered the gas station shop. The crew suddenly looked up, alert, and prepared their weapons. She looked around while drinking from a mug, a long katana belted to her hip in a plain sheath. She grabbed a soda and a pack of skittles. She walked to the cashier to pay for her things and saw the BPS crew.

She froze in front of the cashier.

"Wait, isn't that the girl from yesterday? The one who played a video with Thalleous and Tygren talking." Sam pointed at Kai. She twisted around, looking straight at them.

"Wasn't she also the one who threw that cup of coffee at Thalleous?" David asked.

"Do not say the forbidden word." Sam shivered.

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