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David looked up from the meeting upon hearing the doors creak open. It was Galleous, who was supporting a near unconscious Nitrox. A warm glow from behind them signified the arrival of their other two Ardoni allies.

"Nitrox! What has gone amiss?"

"Orson- Graham," he coughed, "Graham is definitely allied with William. He was wearing Droug armour, similar to the sorts Lothan does. I tried to shoot him with my bow, but he activated the armour and caught the arrow, then punched me a few times. He was going to shoot me with a Droug blaster but I escaped with an ender pearl. He ran after me but Galleous found me and drove me out of there..."

He slumped against Galleous' arm, looking out of breath and white as a sheet.

"Nitrox, you are going to the hospital wing, now. No objections. Galleous, if he resists, take him there yourself."

"No, it's okay, I can get there," He stumbled a little over the ground, and Ingressus appeared behind him, catching him when Galleous couldn't reach, "But, I might require some assistance."

"I'll go," Galleous offered, "Ingressus, you need to hear this meeting more than I."

Nitrox blinked, his eyes growing distant and a little hazy. The royal blue Sendaris picked his body up, carrying him over to the infirmary of Black Plasma's residence. The two remaining Ardoni stepped into the meeting room, taking their places near the edge of the congregation. The entirety of the Animator Coalition was sitting around the table.

Speaking again, David addressed the meeting, "We have suffered a grievous defeat these days, but we must remain vigilant. I mourn those who were slain on our behalf, and I hope that the next battle we fight, we win."

"Then we must strategise," Dan declared, his hands clapped together, "We now know that Thalleous is after William as well, and that he is capable of fighting two powerful opponents, back to back."

"I suggest we try some form of assassination once more," Mont piped up, "We will lose far less people and this whole situation will end quicker."

"I still disagree with that plan, Mont," Thomas objected, "I already gave my reasons the last time."

"We don't have to get one of Thalleous' goons to join us, we just need someone who's sneaky and quiet enough not to draw attention."

Zikaitan shook his head, "Us Ardoni can see and hear better than you humans, it's hard to explain. It's like we can sense other living beings, like, Sam sort of looks warm, Krista looks, uh, blurry-"

"I cannot help but confirm and agree with the child, Mont," Achillean noted, "Though if that were a possible option I would take it."

Mont sat back in his seat, nodding.

"I would guess that Thalleous will attack William at his base once again."

"Aye, but will he be getting back so fast? And didn't Knight's forces destroy all of his equipment?"

"We did," Knight confirmed, "And we also didn't find any new captives, I guess Adek got all of them out."

"I'm glad he did," Krista remarked, "Saved us a ton of work."

A silence hovered over the meeting, the air tense. After a moment, Omeleto spoke up, "How about we look at how our troops are fairing?"

"Well," David started, "Mine are mostly intact."

Mont looked sad, "Many of mine were slain by both the Sendaris factions and Lothan's Droug."

"Ours haven't been severely damaged, as we joined the fight later," Sam spoke, representing the forces that had been sent to fight against Thalleous, "We ought to go into battle first, heading our other forces and protecting the other battalions!"

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