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Ingressus slid back into his ready stance, Achillean opposite him. Their diamond blades glittered in the light of the rising sun. The Nestoris was the first to strike again, twisting his staff to his opponent's right arm. It tapped gently against his broadsword, as he brought it up to parry the staff. He knew that his boyfriend wouldn't hurt him if he could help it, but that would prove a difficulty during sparring sessions as he would have no motive to defend himself. He had tried to get him to fight as if he were an enemy, but Achillean would hear none of it.

He swung the wide, diamond blade around, tapping the Nestoris on the collarbone. He was met with the diamond staff swept down at his legs, the golden light of its enchantment trailing behind it. The Voltaris managed to jump back, avoiding the sharpened edge of the blade. He retaliated with a swing of his own blade, the blade's inner fire still idle. Its flat caught Achillean on a bruised part of his arm, and as the Nestoris winced, Ingressus began to apologise.

"Sorry- Achi, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," a playful smile lifted the corners of his mouth, "Come on now, you did ask for this."

"I... I think it'll be better if I just train alone."

The Nestoris frowned, but he nodded and set his staff against a wall, watching his partner lift the shimmering broadsword. They had begun training at the break of dawn, and he was glad to be able to take a rest from potentially hurting the still-weak Voltaris. He had lifted the sword above his head, and brought it down in a smooth, arcing motion. If there was anyone there, they would've been cleaved through the skull. Achillean smiled as he admired the warrior, sliding from one pose to the next in an elegant, and likely fatal, dance. A few more minutes passed and sweat slowly began to bead on Ingressus' brow.

However, he still didn't put the blade down, even allowing the enchantment some of his precious energy, the fires hungrily licking the steel and diamond blade. He swung it about, decapitating an imaginary enemy, then paused. Extinguishing the fire, he adjusted his grip once again, the blade's point reflecting the light of the rising sun, making it seem as if it were a single point of death for his enemies and a sign of hope for his allies. Achillean smiled at this comparison as he continued watching the Voltaris train. He thought to himself that if he were Ingressus' enemy, he would've been proud to be defeated by him.

The sun's vibrant rays now streamed over the horizon, golden beams painting the sky and chasing the night's cold peace away. It was only now did the red Ardoni finally let his sword down, his hand still tight around the hilt. He sheathed the broadsword, hung over his back and turned back to Achillean.

"So, how did I go?"

"It was beautiful! You're a master at this, Ingressus!"

"Daw, you exaggerate, I'm not that good."

Achillean stood up, gripping the Voltaris' hand, "Just take the compliment, silly~"

"You flatter me," he responded, ruffling the Nestoris' hair with his free hand, "But I want a proper critique of my techniques."

"Hmph," he crossed his arms, pouting, golden eyes narrowed in an expression of mild annoyance, "Well, sometimes you're just a little slower than usual, but I don't have anything else to say."

"Come on now, there's more I did wrong."

Achillean now realised that Ingressus had purposefully made mistakes, seeing if he could pick them up.

Brows furrowed, he replied, "I- Well, uh, at one time, you were landing a fatal blow, but you used the flat of the blade instead of the edge."

The Voltaris grinned, "And?"

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