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Ria stiffly paced about in front of William, who seemed annoyed at her. The Sendaris narrated her ideas as she walked.

"We have to strike directly at Plasmatropolis, otherwise they'll overrun our forces with that behemoth of an army they have."

"Just be glad that Orson and his forces are coming along with us," he responded in a flat tone, ignoring the taller Ardoni's concern, "They may be small, but they are skilled."

The spear wielding Sendaris twirled the aforementioned weapon around, carefully avoiding her ally, but not maintaining a comfortable distance. William cringed as the steel end of the spear whistled past his face and Ria snickered.

"Scared that I'll accidentally poke you?"

He did not answer, instead, reviewing his plans while they waited for Orson Graham's arrival. Around fifteen minutes later, the main door opened in a loud shriek. Orson stepped through, his Droug armour clinking slightly as he approached the pair.

"What are you two even doing? Just messing around?" Graham asked. "There is no point in that when we have a battle up ahead of us."

"We were waiting for you, we have to discuss and finalise our plans."

William pulled a chair leaning on the wall, offering it to Orson. He took it in a rough motion and sat down, carefully shying away from Ria. The Sendaris rolled her eyes.

"When we go to attack, we should stay together as much as we can. If we spread out, we'd cover more ground but be stretched too thin. We also have to time this right, when the Animators move towards this warehouse, we'll have to be far enough gone that they can't catch us until we're too late."

"What about that madman, Thalleous?" Orson queried, "What if he and his forces come to attack us just like last time?"

"Then we move fast. I also suggest two of us serve as second commanders beneath the other, just so that if we do have to split up, we can while still being able to fight as one."

"And who's going to be the highest ranked commander?"

Ria glared at William as she spoke, "I was thinking that I could take charge and-"

"Now just hold up there, you cerulean stained glass flashlight, you want me, the one who has the largest and most powerful forces here, to fight under you?"

"You talk to me like I'm just a child! I might not be as old or wise as you, human, but my strategies are better than anything you could spit out!"

"Do not insult me, I won't insult you."

"You just did!"

"That's behind us!"

Orson Graham shook his head, "Enough of this bickering, think logically. You, William, would be the most logical leader, as you have the largest forces. But you, Ria, as much as I dislike you, I have to admit, are a fair commander as well."

"Feelings have little power here, reasoning and practicality are what should dictate our actions."

Ria began pacing once again, twirling her spear around haphazardly. It began whizzing past them with just inches to spare. She performed a feint on an imaginary enemy then stabbed its butt into the concrete ground.

"So, what's the plan?"

"We have to figure out who is to take charge of our forces."

Ria sighed, "I'm too sick of hearing the non-musical voices of you humans, Lothan, you take charge. Graham, you and him work this out, I'm going outside for a little."

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