One Day

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The car casually came to a stop outside the gas station. Naia stepped out. She was a little concerned that RoA Nitrox hadn't been answering her calls recently, so she had to check on him at his workplace. Even though she didn't get much news from where she lived, which was fairly far away, she did know about 'The Sendaris Madman' and William Lothan, as well as the other threats to the city of Plasmatropolis. All of the huge headline things. It all worried her too much. Could Nitrox have been caught up in this mess?

She hastily walked over to the gas station and opened the door, stepping inside. She turns to the counter, hoping to see Nitrox, because he worked here as a cashier. Instead, there was another man at the desk - Joe, his assistant.

"Joe, where in god's name is Nitrox?" Naia demanded at once, approaching the desk.

"Oh dang, sorry, Naia, I probably should've called you about this." Joe remarked. "It's a bit complicated, but he's busy."

"Busy with what? He's supposed to be working here. He hasn't had a serious job for years now." Naia pointed out.

"Well, the Sendaris Madman and his Voltaris boyfriend who got murdered attacked this place shortly after the Black Plasma Studios team visited." Joe shrugged. "In response, Nitrox joined the fight against the enemies threatening the city. So, I guess you could say he's working with BPS again, somewhat."

"He did what now?" Naia asked, in shock.

"Hey, that's why I'm here. Someone has to take over for him. The manager's cutting him some slack considering he's out there helping save the world." Joe stated matter of factly.

"For god's sake..." Naia muttered. She'd hoped Nitrox had given up the habit of running into danger by now. Too much to hope for, apparently. "Well, if he's getting involved, so am I."


William's eyes opened to a flat, grey expanse. He was nowhere, yet everywhere, it seemed. At the breaking point of reason, a place where logic was dethroned. He stood up on ground that did not exist, and looked around.

He wasn't wearing his Droug armour, nor was he wearing the clothes he'd worn to bed that night. He simply donned a casual buttoned white shirt and some brown pants. He realized these were the clothes he'd worn in the framed photo of himself, his wife, and his son, and a tear welled up in his eyes. What was this place? Some sort of dreamscape?

"Dad!" A voice called out. William recognized the voice in an instant, for it was Jackson's voice, the voice of his son. Initially, William could not see him, but Jackson emerged after a few moments. He looked just as he did in the photo. It was too painful.

"This is not real. It cannot be!" William exclaimed.

"I guess you're right, sort of. You aren't really here, but I am." Jackson shrugged. "But dad, that is not the point. I had to reach out to you. It's important."

"What is this place?" William asked. He had to make sense of what he was seeing. He didn't understand anything.

"This is the afterlife. I think." Jackson said. "I've been here for years and years and years. I'm not the only one. Tons of people are here. Like the red Ardoni who calls himself Tygren, and that young woman, Kai."

"But this is just a dream, Jackson, isn't it?" William questioned.

"In the afterlife we have strange abilities." Jackson told him. "You're not in a dream, but a vision. Dad, I've given you a glimpse of the afterlife."

"But why now?" It all confused William. Was everything true or was it all just a figment of his imagination? Maybe he just really missed Jackson... that would make sense.

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