Chapter 126

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Marianne shrugged her shoulders, blinking her clear eyes casually.

"I love flowers and jewelry, Miss Rane and his friends like swords and horses, and Beatrice loves books, right? Is it strange for one to be immersed in what they like and enjoy? It's important to live doing what you want to do. There are many times when you have to do something you don't really want to..."

Marianne thought she was mentioning something like, "Something you don't want to do but have to." She swallowed dry saliva unconsciously.

"I think it's too annoying to care about what others think when it comes to what we like. Anyway, we won't harm others, right?"

She consciously recalled the names of loved ones in her hometown. She also recalled the garden at the annex building, filled with flowers and trees in all seasons, and the faces of loved ones she used to play together with on the grass.

The memories of her laughing together, crying together, thinking together, running away, and living every day together with them flashed through her mind.

"Of course I wanted to land a blow on her head when she left me alone on the tree and went away."

When Marianne recalled her memories and added, Rane put her hand on her forehead, saying with a smile, "Oh, no, how could she do that? It looks like your friend Evelyn was too mean."

Marianne stopped in front of the pond, feeling envious ofher without knowing why.

The pond looked like a mixture of water lilies and lotus flowers. The flowers of the water lilies which were in close contact with the surface of the water were sunburned in light pinks and purples. As it was still early summer, the lotus didn't yet bear all its buds yet, but there were a few that put out some buds due to the warm weather.

Marianne, muttering with a small voice, slowly looked back at Rane and said, "By the way, Miss Rane. Don't you think I'm strange?"

Rane took her eyes off of the pond and asked, "Do I think you're strange? Why?"

She made an expression on her face as if she didn't understand her question.

"If there are ten rumors going around in Milan these days, seven of them are about me."

Marianne laughed bitterly.

There were not many who knew why she suddenly came to the capital and assumed a dangerous role. Besides, there were those who knew the situation but did not fully trust her.

Rane was the daughter of Duchess Lamont who might have incurred the hatred of people for the first time as soon as she came to the capital. She was a cousin of the emperor, but at the same time she was on good terms with those close to Hubble and Chester, Marianne's main enemies.

Of course, Rane was more friendly to Marianne than expected since she first met her. Marianne was very grateful for her kindness. Her hospitality on that day deepened like a tree growing tall under the sun, breaking down the walls of their hearts up to the point that they were close enough to walk with each other. However, in the social circles, they regarded it as the great virtue of the aristocracy to shamelessly smile at those they didn't like.

It was a luxury for Marianne to expect Rane to deny the repeated scandals and rumors about her, even when she didn't yet explain the exact situation to Rane yet.

"Ah, I see. In fact, my mother was very wary of you at first. There were some rumors about you that could make them misunderstand you."

Rane nodded as if she had noticed the implications of what Marianne said.

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