Chapter 52

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"I'm so nervous. You know how terrible and mean she is, Mrs. Charlotte."

"Of course, I know. I know well."

"I don't believe all the rumors on the streets, However..." Mrs. Renault said. Mrs. Charlotte quickly grabbed her hands. As the palms of her hands were wrapped with thin cloth, it felt a bit rough.

"Trust the emperor. He's the late empress's son. So, he will be pickier than us."

Mrs. Charlotte spoke softly. She wanted to persuade the countess with simpler and more certain words. If she briefed her about what Marianne had told a small gathering recently, she could lessen some, if not all, of the countess's concern. But she did not because Marianne wouldn't want it.

Anyway, it was not necessary to keep the promise. And she didn't completely trust Marianne either. Nevertheless, she did not want to betray Marianne.

"You're helping the emperor with his marriage on behalf of the late empress. You can be proud of it, right? Who knows? After the emperor has a happy family, he can arrange a good bride for Sir Jed."

"Which bride would take that troublemaker as her bridegroom? If the emperor forcibly arranges for him to marry a lady, I will try my best to stop him under any circumstances. That's an abuse of power."

"Oh, Jed really takes after you, Madame!"

"Charlotte, don't say that insulting stuff to me. He takes after his father."

Countess Renault barely laughed. The anxiety that seemed to overwhelm her faded in her smile.

"When I meet Sir Arthur and Sir Jed in the evening, let me check out who looks more like you. So, don't worry. Let's go out. I know a very good path for walking."

Mrs. Charlotte smiled with her and folded her arms. They looked at each other with deep trust.

* * *

"Cordelli, I'm so stressed out..."

After returning to her room after tea time, Marianne sat down on the couch. Her legs were wobbly like wet paper.

"You had a hard time there. Take a break before going to the evening ball."

Cordelli sat by her and braided her disheveled hair neatly again. Two maids came up, taking off her shoes and socks and raising her legs over a low stool. One massaged her calf, and the other gently wiped her bare feet with a warm towel.

"I laughed so much that my mouth hurts. I think I must have been so nervous."

"I was so scared when I saw Duchess Lamont and Marquis Chester sitting side by side. I almost cried, not laughed. No wonder you were nervous in that situation."

"I don't think I made a mistake, right??"

"Of course, you didn't. You are super!"

Cordelli stretched her shoulders and raised her chin like a triumphant general. Since her action was so cute, Marianne burst into laughter. She felt so relieved as she was with someone who was so comfortable to be around. But her break didn't last.

"Madame, someone wants to see you," Cordelli said.

"Tell that person that I want to see him later."

Cordelli said, shaking her head, "If you want to see him later, it's up to you!"

"But on a day like this, if somebody has come to my room, isn't he here on an urgent mission?"

"Well, if it were not the emperor's message, there would be nothing urgent. Hey, is the messenger sent by the emperor?"

"Pardon? Oh, no, it is not, but... "

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