Chapter 175

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The simple truth that a human being cannot win against natural phenomenon vanished from her mind. She took a big breath as if she became a knight facing a duel. Then she watched the situation outside the window.

The sound of the rain was still loud, but the thunder stopped. There was even humidity and coldness in the spacious, dark room. As she was tense, the sound of her swallowing nothing seemed loud. Finally, she was about to pull the string very carefully.

Knock! knock!

Somebody knocked on the door outside.


She screamed as if she was hit by a whip. Terrified, she pulled the blanket over her head quickly. Although she heard the door being flung open, she couldn't afford to look out of the blanket.

She pulled the blanket over her chest as if it was the last shield to protect her life.

Then, she stopped and frowned.

'Wait a minute. I think it was the knocking sound, not thunder. It sounded like a door opening ... Is it Cordelli?'

"Marianne, are you okay? "

Contrary to her expectations, what she heard was Eckart's low and friendly voice, inquiring after her.

She removed the blanket she had pulled over her head. When she swept her disheveled hair, she came to have a clearer view.

"Your Majesty!"

The shadow standing in front of her bed moved slowly. After hesitating briefly, he carefully swept the disheveled hair tickling her nose over the top of her head.

"Oh, I think you were surprised. "

"Why have you come to my room?"

"Curtis told me he heard several faint bells each time he heard the roll of thunder. I thought you weren't sleeping since you were ringing the bell."

Eckart looked at the side corridor in her bedroom then turned to her.

"Do you want me to call a guard? Or a maid..."

"Oh, no. I'm alright. Just let me go to sleep. I think I'm tired."

"But didn't you ring the bell because you needed something?"


Right at the moment lightning flashed in the dark room and disappeared.

Marianne quickly grabbed Eckart's sleeves. The moment he frowned at her desperate move, there was another frightening stroke of thunder.

"It seems you are very unfamiliar with this kind of weather."

Sometimes someone who is too quick-witted tends to raise others' eyebrows.

Marianne pouted as she pulled her hands away from him.

"Well, I'm not so scared, but I just can't sleep..."

"As we have this kind of heavy rain in Milan every year, I didn't know it was the first time you would experience this."

"Cordelli warned me that there would be a lot of thunder and lightning, but I didn't know it was so severe. I wish I had hit the sack with firm determination."

Eckart grinned at her childish murmuring.

"Let me tell the servant to bring some more candles."

"You don't have to...Were you asleep before you came here? "

"No. I still have some documents to review. "

Only after answering her question did he feel he made a mistake. He watched her eyebrows twisting a bit in the thick darkness.

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