Chapter 67

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Just like two colliding swords, their invisible words stabbed at each other. They couldn't even afford to cover up their feelings and use gobbledygooks like they did in the salons. The two had just come out of the horror of death, and they were very perplexed for different reasons.

The duchess did not want to admit the fact that Eckart might have died. In fact, she was more concerned about the possible death of the emperor than the marquise's arrogant attitude.

As their personalities were so unique, they had never been close, but they were concerned about their only nephew, the emperor. Wasn't he the only legitimate son of the Frey and Romanov families? They never thought that he would disappear so vainly. It was too cruel to think of his tragic incident as the work of their main god Airius, it was too shameful to think he was killed by the rebel forces.

In fact, Mrs. Chester had nothing to do with the wagon accidents yesterday and today, though nobody believed that.

Obviously, she didn't devise this trick. On the contrary, she was suspicious of yesterday's accident and tried to share the same wagon with Marianne, just in case.

If she planned nothing, it would be a lie, but what happened yesterday and today was out of her control. Even she wanted to find out the true criminal and hold him accountable for her injuries.

"Please calm down! It looks like the grand duke has arrived."

Beatrice, who had been pacing in front of the window all the time, shouted at them.

She gestured toward nearby maids with her slender fingertips. Only then did he, who stood blankly like a stone statue, support the two women to sit down again. They were still staring at each other as if they were trying to kill each other. Although their hearts didn't melt yet, they were clearly conscious of others watching their ugly behavior.

Beatrice came to the table with her one leg slightly limping. She chose tea ceremony as a way to cool down the heated mood. Three tea cups were slowly filled with light tea. Although the fragrant tea leaves immediately raised the room temperature, she still felt chilly and dizzy. Her fingertips trembled when she gently pushed the teacup before the two women.

Using that brief peaceful moment, the maids again wiped their wounds and smoothed them.

A little later Grand Duke Christopher came in through the open door.

Beatrice folded her hands together and looked at the party that followed him.

Duchess Lamont quickly asked him, "What happened? Did you find them?"

"Not yet..."

Grand Duke Christopher fumbled words. The atmosphere quickly became terrible again. He grabbed the hilt on his waist.

The scene after the accident was a mess. Including the emperor's wagon that had been blown off halfway, none of the other wagons were intact. Duchess Lamont's forehead was wounded, Mrs. Chester's neck, and Beatrice's leg as well. Cordelli passed out after hitting her head hard and Kloud had many cracked ribs, not to mention other servants and maids.

The only comfort was that there were no serious injuries for now.

The grand duke suppressed his strong desire to search for the emperor himself.

"Pay particular attention to the safety of the ladies."

That was the command that Eckart emphasized before they started.

He sent the two noblewomen, as well as Beatrice and Cordelli to the residence first.

Maids and servants followed them. Kloud, while struggling to stand up, insisted on doing his bit.

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