Chapter 107

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Soon they began to serve food. Along with the unique flavor of Faisal traditional tea, salted sturgeon eggs and thin blini were served as appetizers.

"How does it look, ma'am? I've carefully selected and brought only the finest caviar in Faisal."

"Not bad."

After tasting it, Mrs. Chester replied, rinsing her mouth with tea. It seemed she liked it very much, given she didn't put down the dish right away.

"Great. I thought it would suit your taste. I couldn't forget it when you told me you enjoyed caviar, so I went to all the beach markets myself. I saw all kinds of fish in the southern coast as it was so vast and clean..."

While Yurt was engaged in a meaningless conversation to flatter her, the main dishes which were lamb, steak, and wine were served. The bottle of red wine was made of transparent glass, elaborately carved using Faisal's unique craftsmanship.

"Try this wine right away. This is the best quality. It was made from grapes from the vineyards near the Ravi River in eastern Faisal. It's famous as they provide this wine to the Faisal imperial family. The taste is very good, but its yield is not that great, so the price is up to the seller."

While Yurt was bragging about it in various ways, Ober tasted a new wine and recommended it to Mrs. Chester. Giyom, who was waiting behind him, was handed a bottle from the servant at Ober's gesture.

He first filled the marquise's cup and then filled it for Ober. The scent of aromatic wine wafted gently through the restaurant.

Luckily, the wine tasted good enough to confirm Yurt's words. After feeling a little better because of good wine, Ober finally said what Yurt had been waiting for.

"As I've received good wine, let me pay for it."

"Oh, no. If you accept it gladly, I'll be satisfied with it."

"Yurt, I don't believe what traders say because no business makes any trades that loses money."

"Oh, no, why are you saying that? I am stupid and lacking in many things, but I am not stupid enough to dare to make unfair profits from you."

Yurt tried to defend himself and then suddenly turned his eyes toward the shadow over his head. It was Giyom who came toward him, holding a bottle of wine.

Soon, the glass was half full. During that brief moment when red liquid dripped into the empty glass, he clearly saw the mouth of the bottle that was trembling faintly.

"If I had thought so, I would not have sent my only son Giyom as a servant for you."

He laughed frivolously. His dark brown eyes sparkled in bizarre sadism.

"How brazen-faced you are!" said Ober.

It was his father, Yurt, who abused Giyom.

Looking at Yurt with contempt, Ober clasped his finger toward Giyom, who went back to his place, trying to make a blank expression.

Yurt laughed louder as if to mock his son.

"Hahaha! Well, 'brazen-faced' is the best praise for a trader. I think my son would have been better off if he had resembled me in that respect."

"If that's the case, the servant who filled your cup today would be somebody else, not your son Giyom."

"Oh, I see. If Giyom were talkative like me, it wouldn't suit him as a swordsman. In some respects, he resembles his dead mother too much..."

Yurt quenched his thirst with wine. Like a beast that found a prey, Giyom scrutinized his father from head to toe.

Yurt continued, "My son was poor at speaking, and he was emotionally stifling, so I was ashamed to show him to others. But as you were kind enough to accept him as your servant, I was so grateful to you."

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