Chapter 72

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Fortunately, he could walk as he had no leg injuries, but it took him a while to get up from the spot where he lay on his back and sit down. He felt extreme pain when he raised one of his knees, and when he barely stood on two legs, he just wanted to faint as the pain was painful. 'I'd feel more comfortable if I lost my mind instead!' he murmured.

Although he was not much of a knight all his life, he was trained enough to protect his own body. Nevertheless, he felt like his whole body ached.

"Your Majesty, cheer up. You just have to go there. That's it. Lean on me more. I'm stronger than you think. Come on!"

Each time, Marianne comforted him and cheered him up.

Of course, she had never held a thing which was heavier than a jewelry box.

He could see her slender arm trembling. She had sweat on her nose and her bitten lips turned white. He wouldn't have blamed her even if she had given up in the middle. But she helped him to move as best she could. Just as he could not give her up in the water, she kept supporting him desperately.

The two crawled half way and walked half way. With all their might, they crawled into the crevice near a rock mountain. As soon as they arrived, he immediately knelt down. As he felt the warmth on the back and dizziness, he felt faint. He was more short of breath than when he sank under the water. His broken arm was extremely painful, and as he bit the inside of his mouth so often, he could even taste of blood in his nose and throat.

Marianne probably didn't have any stamina left. Nevertheless, she threw off her cape and dress.

"Why are you taking off your clothes, Marianne?"

He had never seen a faithful lady of the noble family undressing right before his eyes.

Trying her best to calm down, she answered with an embarrassed voice, "I'm just scared. I have to dry them anyway, so let me take them off."

As always, Marianne never listened to him seriously.

She was struggling with her heavy and sticky dress for a long time. After all, the sleeves and chest trim were ripped apart, and the tight corsets and half-broken petticoats were also thrown away. Eventually, as she wished, she was clad in a cool slip.

"Wow, I can live now! Your Majesty, give me your cloak and coat. You shouldn't put on wet clothes for a long time."

Although she said it in the form of a request, it was closer to an order.

She almost forcibly took away the cloak and coat from him, who was embarrassed at the moment. Of course, she did it carefully so that he could not feel hurt.

He also struggled with his wet clothes as much as she did and he finally could catch his breath... In the meantime, she took off one of her shoes and then put on his long boots instead.

"I feel like I've been robbed before my eyes."

"It's not robbery! I'm just borrowing them from you briefly. I didn't ask for your permission because you would be fine with it anyway."

Responding to his jolly joke, she picked up a pile of clothes. The wet fabric was so heavy that some of the clothes she didn't hold tight dragged around her arms. She hung the wet clothes in the sun. She checked out the shallow stream on her way back. Luckily, there were floating the ruins of the wagon that had been pushed down here. Among them were pieces of wood of broken wagons, silver wine glasses, and she picked them up.

"Let me look around the nearby forest for a moment. Please wait a bit. You should never lose your mind."

Then she hurriedly ran out of the cave again. Not suitable for her white lace apron, her black boots that were too big for her disappeared in no time.

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