Chapter 91

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Among those who were not directly involved in this incident, she was the first who would grind her teeth with vexation at the threat to the descendants of the Frey family.

Christopher smiled bitterly as if he understood his sister's feelings.

"But let me treat the merits and mistakes of the investigation team separately. It's not because I doubt your loyalty, but because I have to prepare just in case. So, I hope you don't take it to heart," said Eckart.

"Not at all, Your Majesty. I just made the request to lessen your burden, so I'm satisfied as long as the investigation moves ahead, regardless of the method."

"Let me appreciate your loyalty gladly."

Eckart finally diverted his attention fixed on him. He glanced at the Grand Duke in the back.


"Yes, Your Majesty."

Sensing the emperor's eye signal, Kloud replied quickly.

"Did you inform them about the engagement schedule?"

"Yes, I conveyed it briefly."

'Oh, I see,' Eckhart murmured to himself and beckoned to Curtis. Curtis, standing like a stone behind the couch, politely gave him the glass on the table.

Quenching his thirst a bit, Eckart opened his mouth again.

"As you have already heard from the messenger, I'm going to have the engagement ceremony tomorrow. Given my situation, make it as brief as possible. So, you can prepare for it by consulting with the priests..."

There were some among them who made an expression that showed they disagreed, but no one came forward and expressed it.

"I'm going to head for the capital in the morning the day after tomorrow. Let me notify you immediately if there is a change in my schedule."

Eckart handed the glass of water back to Curtis.

Marianne looked closely at him. His eyes, breath, fingertips, and forehead were reflected in her emerald eyes.

"That's it. Except for the cardinal, everybody go back and take a rest."

He issued the last order for the day.

Watching the situation quietly, standing in the corner, Helena dragged her white robe and headed to him. The rest of them left the room one after another with a brief greeting.

Marianne was the last to stay in the room, but left finally. She looked back before she crossed the threshold, but his blue eyes were already fixed on Helena.

She pulled the red hem with a long sigh.


The door was closed from behind.

* * *

Everybody was busy in the temple in the afternoon. The members of the Grand Duke's party kept coming in and out of the bedrooms on each floor of the annex, unpacking their stuff, and the kitchen people were busy preparing food for their guests. In the front yard and stables, the servants were also busy with sorting out the cart's supplies and gathering horse food.

"Lady, what are you looking at?" Cordelli asked Marianne while opening a parasol after combing through the baggage.

"Huh? Suddenly the temple seems to be vibrant."

Responding to her subtly, Marianne turned toward her.

She took her eyes off from the innermost window of the third floor of the annex where the curtain was opened halfway

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