Chapter 38

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I was pacing around my room like a caged tiger. I glanced at my bedside table where my phone was set, switched off. I've read the message at least five times before switching my phone off. I was trying to think about anything but that message but no use 'cause the only thing in my mind was that damn message. 'Who'd that be?'
The question was turning in my mind for the past hour. A part of me, already knew the answer but I refused to believe it. It maybe some wrong number, the person must've mistakenly send to me. That's what I was kept saying to me all this time, even though I knew deep inside that it wasn't true. I was just being a coward running away from my biggest fear.

I stopped pacing around and threw a final glance at my phone—Screw it. Let's face it Juvia. I threw myself on the bed and took my phone in hands, switching it on. A minute and 18 seconds later—yes I counted—I was starring at the anonymous message.

« You can't hide from me forever»

I swallowed the lump in my throat and wiped the sweat of my hands on the bed. I let the phone fall on the bed, closing my eyes, I took a deep breath to calm my heart's erratic beatings.

There're two options. One. Jose Porla. Or two, the other one. The one I didn't want that to be. My worst nightmare.
I was hoping with all my might that it's Jose, because I can deal Jose, it's not new for me, I've already done before but him...— I shook my head. No, it can't be. He's not even here. I heard that he's abroad right now and not coming back for at least two years— But what if— NO.

It's be Jose, if it's really him then why was he sending me anonymous messages? We'd a deal. He knows that I know everything, that his tricks won't work with me anymore, so then why? Or maybe was he exactly trying to trick me again by sending me anonymous threats. Is he trying to scare me? To make me return?—In that hell?

My eyes immediately went to my left hand. I lifted my sweat's sleeve and turned my hand to stare at the under side of my forearm. There was it the mark, on my pale skin. A thin, straight line cutting my forearm, stopping right under my elbow. It was very well hidden by the fold of my elbow, almost unidentifiable. I ran a finger on it and let out a bitter chuckle at the thought. Unidentifiable. Of course that asshole would do that. After all he's Jose Porla, aka my uncle.


Last night I didn't sleep. Not at all. Each time I closed my eyes and was letting myself fall into the deep slumber, I was waken up, tensed and sweaty. So at my third attempt to sleep, I gave up, choosing to watch something on Netflix instead, which explains why I was drooling on my laptop when Erza came to my room to wake me up this morning. This is also the reason why I am feeling my eyes closing on their own right now when my history teacher is explaining about the absolute monarchy in the sixteenth century—Hey, I'm not that bad, I at least got what was he talking about.

I basically like history, I find it interesting to know about our world and our past but the said subject is less interesting when I've panda eyes and just wanna throw myself on my bed to sleep for days.

- " Via! Juvia!" I jolted straight up by someone calling me. I rubbed my eyes quickly, praying it shouldn't be my professor, I lifted my head to stare at the person in front of me.

- " Levy?"

- " Oh thank god, you know my name!" She exclaimed faking a relief. "Are you out of your dreamland or still in there?" She teased, I huffed and blowed a strand on my eyes, getting up.

The moment our eyes met- [ON HIATUS] Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat