Chapter 7

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- " Gray." I quick glanced at Erza but didn't stop what I was doing at her call. I felt her eyes on me as she stood few meters away from from with her hands folded on her chest.

- " Gray. It's enough. you're punching non-stop in that bag for more than two hours now." I continued to punch without answering. She sighed heavily.

- " Your dad's here. He wants you to—" My jaw clenched and my muscles tensioned as I doubled my force up and continued to punch in an aggressive speed.

- " Gray..." another sigh. "You have to—-" I didn't listed to her as I punched forcer than the previous time, so much that my fists started hurting like a bitch. But I didn't care.

- " Gray! " Erza moved quickly and stopped the punching bag failing to bang against it. She then glared at me before taking my hands, examining the bruises carefully. I slapped her hand away and positioned them, ready to go again.

- " No. Say him no." I said firmly.

- " But've to go, you can't forever be like day or another—" she stood in front of me, blocking the access to the bag.

- " That day won't come Erza. End of discussion. " I cut her coldly. She stared at me and I held her stare seriously. She gave up after a moment.

- " Now move, you're disturbing me." I said gesturing her to move, but she placed her hands on hip and kept standing there stubbornly. I sighed heavily, anger gaining me.

She took my hands agains forcefully, ignoring my death glare and touched the bruises.

- " Gray Fullbuster, if you don't stop this now, you're facing serious consequences and trust me, you'll not like it." She murmured lowly as she sent me a death glare.

Shit. She's mad, like really really mad. More than me. I'm not a fool to disobey Erza in this state, I've already gone through the consequences twice to know that I've to do what're she wish now. I raised my hands in a defeated way with a huff. She said nothing but pulled me towards a bench, mentioned me to sit before coming with the first aid box.

She sat in front of me and started cleaning my wounds. I hissed when she applied the ointment. Fuck. It hurt like a bitch. She stopped and looked at me a second before continuing what she was doing.

- " Gray..." I calmed at the softness of her voice.

- "...Yeah..."  I murmured lowly.

- " You know you can't avoid it all your life can't refuse to go..." she murmured as she spread the ointment tenderly.

- " You don't under—-" I started as I ran the bandaged hand through my hair.

- " Don't finish your phrase! " She cut me off firmly.

- " I know how it feels and you out of all people know that. " she shook her head sighing.

- " I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. " I apologized after staring at her a moment.

- " I know you didn't." She sighed. " Gray, you've to face it, you can't be like this forever and you know that. " she was bandaging my right hand.

- " I know. Trust me Erza I know..." I sighed closing my eyes. " I just...Guess I'm not ready yet...I need time..." I whispered barely audible.

- " Then take as much time as you need but don't take a decision to not going. Don't refuse to go forever. " She places a hand on my shoulder.

- " You promise you'll think about it? " She pressed my shoulder lightly.

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