Chapter 6

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The fresh morning air brushed my skin as I was waking up from my sleep. The sunlight hit my eyes and I groaned straightening myself. I was massaging my neck, groaning while searching my sun glasses.

Yesterday—or should I say this early morning, after I dropping Juvia at home, I drove until I couldn't feel my arms. I needed to think, to understand the last events. I'd to clear my mind about what happened yesterday.

I was never this confused in my life before—hell I never have looked back a girl in my life. But last night, for a moment I was not able to stop staring at Juvia, I couldn't stop myself from getting lost in her eyes. Her eyes were something magic and magnetic.

The worse is the fact that Juvia is not the only beautiful girl I've seen in my life. No, I've crossed lots of gorgeous girls in my life, spent time with them, even among my friends there's Erza, Cana, Lucy, Mira...

They all were beautiful in their own style and they never attracted me in a romantic way. Never. So you admit that Juvia is beautiful and you're attracted by her in a rom—-No. —-You just said—-I said I wasn't attracted by Erza,Cana or others, that doesn't mean I'm attracted by Juv—-No way in hell. Don't talk shit. Keep your mouth shut conscience. I scolded myself mentally before putting my glasses and getting out of the car to stretch myself.

Juvia is just a girl like everyone, a friend. Last night, we were wasted. That's why there was this awkwardness between us. Yeah, that's the reason. End of discussion.

I drank a bottle of water and splashed some water on my face before getting inside and heading to the home.

Ten minutes after, I was at home, I parked my car behind Jellal's Laxus and got in the house.
Everything were same as when I left, the hall was a mess. Everyone were sleeping except Lucy, she must have left this morning. I sighed heavily while pushing Cana's sleeping body aside as she was lying  half on the carpet, the half on the stairs in a weird position.

I directly went down to the basement, where was our sports hall. We separated the basement in two parts : one is arranged as the sports hall and the second one's a home cinema, it's a month ago.

I removed my t-shirt on way and stopped in front of the punching bag. Another favorite pastime of mine after the race. Though race is more a passion than a hobby. I started boxing when I was nine and the race three years ago.

I shook my head and started punching, get out on the punching bag.



This morning I woke up with a light headache, I was relieved that my exhaustion was gone. I brushed my teeth and washed my face quickly before putting on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I then left a note for Gajeel as he was still sleeping before exiting the flat. I put my earphones on high sound as I started running along the river. 

I liked running with music in my ears, music relaxes me and it makes me feel at peace. I didn't have had many friends in my life, I was more a loner person. So, I start running and swimming to not get bored. But with the time, I started enjoy the freedom and peacefulness while running or swimming. It has became a routine with music now.

As I was running, my mind thought about yesterday. My arrival, my friends, new persons I met...and Gray. Gray Fullbuster. The guy who's playing tricks with my mind since the moment I met him. He's confusing me so much. Is he my friend? If he is, he's supposed to make me feel at ease, after all a friend is supposed to that...Then why I couldn't be the same as I'm with Erza, Jellal or Natsu with Gray. Why sometimes it seems impossible for me to not getting lost in those magnificent eyes of him ? I know he's handsome and all but Natsu, Loki are handsome too. Loki and Natsu are more sociable, more open and friendly than Gray. And if that was the problem? Gray. He's more closed, a mystery. Maybe that's why I want to know him...I'm curious. Definitely it is. My curiosity is my very big flaw. And now it wants me to discover Gray Fullbuster and his secrets. God, it's gonna be a difficult job.

The moment our eyes met- [ON HIATUS] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon