Chapter 22

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Once I won the race against Natsu—Geez—Of course I would. Anyway, I went directly to the stadium to meet my team. FT Triggers. My friends/ brothers, without them all these victories are not possible. Sure Laxus was a good captain and Jellal a vice captain but without team work, any good player is a fail.

Natsu, Jellal and Loke soon joined me and greeted everyone as they sat on the stadium steps. This meeting was important for us to discuss about our next match, in a month but also about the next race. Yes. They do race with us.

While they were discussing about Jellal as the new captain I decided to score some goals, it has been a long time since I didn't play basketball and to be honest, I really missed this. If racing and boxing is my passion, basketball is another story.

That thrill if teamwork in a tough match , that ardor to score a goal in the very last minute with the whole arena shouting our team's name and that proudness and happiness of the very longed victory after so much effort and exhaustion... it's just insane. Moments like those are unique and irreplaceable.

I was scoring more and more goals as I was in my own world and I didn't notice the other guys around me.

- " Gray" I finally stopped at the feel a hand on my shoulder. Jellal.

- " This is amazing." He grinned as he eyed the scoreboard. The team whistled and cheered. I looked up and saw 65. Wow. For how many hours where they talking for me to score this?

- " Less than twenty minutes." Jellal said as he read my mind. I smirked and threw the ball in the basket one last time before throwing it in the balls bin.

- " So it's decided then, any objection?" Ian, a guy of our team asked loud to which the team shouted and gave thumbs up, praising me.

I raised an eyebrow. " What's decided guys?"

- " You're our new vice-captain along with our captain Jellal!" Ash cheered followed by others.

I actually turned to look at him, stunned. Then looked around as the whole team was cheering and already lifted Jellal in the air and was about to lift me.

- " Woah, woah, Hold on! I never said I wanna become the next vice-captain!" I said loud enough them to hear. Well, it's worked as my words were followed by a dead silence.

- " Why Gray?" Loke asked seriously breaking the silence.

- " Because I just don't wanna." I sighed running my hand in my hair. " All I want is to play basketball with you guys, that's it. I never aimed to become a leader." I sighed once again.

- " But you are the right person Gray!" Ash frowned.

- " You cheer the team up always, you always know what to do, you guide us..." Another one added.

- " Yes. Sure Laxus and Jellal are great but they're our seniors so we have a special respect for them but you're our buddy, a brother, you don't show authority to us, you've always been a follower like us but a follower who can guide his team in critical times when there's no captain or vice-captain..." Ian said sincerely.

I stared at him surprised, I never knew he felt like this. He's a new one, the younger one of us, he came three months ago in the first year of FT academy and was like a brother to all of us.

- " Thanks buddy but I'd like to continue as a follower, leadership is not my cup of tea." I stated to which he groaned.

- " Plus it's Natsu who cheer us up always! For Gods sake, he's the hot head of our team!" I said exasperated.

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