Chapter 34

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The low blow of the chill night air and the gentle rustling of autumn leaves, was all we could hear as we walked through the yard, away from the party chaos.

I rubbed my arms to keep myself warm as I followed slowly the man I front of me. Gray. We exited the hut for the last two minutes and he let go of my hand, deciding that I could walk by myself, instead holding his phone to light our way. His spooky hair and the movement of his muscular back was all I could make out in the dark and for once I didn't regret not seeing his face.

He didn't utter a word, I didn't dare to utter a word. I was so lost in my thoughts and was feeling so many things but I wasn't ready to think about them or understand them. I was so shaken by the whole fiasco to think about it. But there's something else, that feeling was so strong that I couldn't ignore it. Anger. I was angry—that I know for sure. For many reasons though but I was definitely angry.

I jumped at the sudden sound before me. Gasping, I glanced at Gray shocked as he just kicked his car tire. His jaw was clenched and hands balled up in fist. To say that he was angry was an understatement. He was pissed off. So damn pissed off.

- " WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT JUVIA?!" He yelled letting out a frustrate sigh.

I knitted my brows together feeling my last calmness and patience slip away. He can be mad but he definitely has no rites to be mad at me or snap at me.

- " WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SNAPPING AT ME?!" I yelled back, clenching my fists.

He snapped his head at me, looking furious. "Because you think I don't have any reasons to snap at you?!" His tone was an octave lower but still high.

- " NO!" I inhaled and lowered my voice but keeping it still firm. " you don't have any reasons to yell at me."

- " Oh please! Don't act goody-goody... when you were just grinding some asshole!" He stated bitterly, a mock evident in his tone. I felt a pang in my heart and before even I could realize, my hand was already on his left cheek.  Hard and burning.

There was a pregnant silence for a moment while the silent tears gathered around my eyes. When he lifted his head to look at me shocked and with something else I couldn't quite identify.

- " I-I'm sorry. I didn't—" He started but I cut him off, gazing directly into his eyes, I breathed. " How dare you?"

My voice raised an octave higher, as the anger and the hurt was building up in me.  "What do you know about me?! Am I some whore to you?!" I shouted the last part as my tears were freely running down my cheeks.

He looked stunned a second—just a second before he became that cold jerk again. His stare was so cold and bitter that I felt shivers running down my spine. " YOU WERE FUCKING DANCING TOUCHY TOUCHY WITH A RANDOME BASTARD!" He shouted back as he banged his fist against his car.

- " AND YOU WERE FUCKING SOME BITCH JUST AFTER ALMOST KISSING ME!!" I cried. My almost first kiss.—But that he didn't need to know.

Saying that aloud was another pang in heart but I ignored the pain and was hoping with all my might for him to deny it, to say it wasn't true.
Please say no. Say that I mistaken you. Please say it wasn't you.

He crashed all my hopes with just one reply and I ignored the pangs of my heart knowing that it was useless to even try to count them.

- " I don't need to explain myself to you Juvia. I can kiss or fuck whoever I want!" He muttered calmly but it still hurt.

I looked his eyes—those eyes I was so wanted to drown in and explore. I was sure he didn't miss the hurt in my eyes but I didn't care as I continued to stare at him and wiped my tears.

The moment our eyes met- [ON HIATUS] Where stories live. Discover now