Chapter 31

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The empty hall way was plunged into the darkness and was in a deadly silence as I walked through it slowly, hugging myself.

Suddenly my phone buzzed and I stopped abruptly in tracks. When I saw the light on my jeans pocket, I let out a relived sigh and took it. A notification. I sighed again and continued walking toward my destination—the study hall.

Why? Because I've a detention. Of course I would after thumping Briar yesterday—by the way I didn't see her today, I thought she'll piss me off today but she wasn't even here. And none said a word about yesterday—at least not directly to me, but whenever I entered the cafeteria or class rooms, I could hear whispers of my name. And here I said I don't want unnecessary attention.

Anyway, this afternoon, just after our lunch break, I was called in the principal's office. I had to face my principal and Laxus's grandfather, Mr. Dreyar and a very strict Erza Scarlet alias the student council's president. Alone. That actually sucked. They demanded explications and all I gave was "She pissed me off".— That was obviously not enough so that's why I'm here on a detention—not that I'd have been saved if I said the real reason so I judged there's no point in admitting the real reason.

The worse, I'm having a detention alone! Briar was absent today so the only one to have detention is me—it's really unfair. But Erza told me that she'll have one too, when she's back and will find out what happened between Briar and me for me to lose my temper this badly. I was actually relieved that Gray didn't say a word to Erza or others. That's good to know because I didn't want them to know about the matter. I'm a little ashamed of myself for yesterday. I didn't really think about it much but maybe I went too far, I should've been more patient and kept my cool. In short, I've messed up pretty badly and I shouldn't have.

I shook my head and went down the stairs as the study hall was situated on the first floor, near the entrance. I was at the third floor right now and no one was around here as they've already finished—after all it's 6pm.

Once I was in front of the study hall, I didn't even bothered to knocking, I just entered. There's no one in there anyway.

- " You should knock before darling" A voice said casually and I blinked before looking at the corner of the room, where the voice was heard.

There sat Gray Fullbuster, incredibly hot and handsome, legs on the table, a random book in his hands. He's worn an army pant with a white t-shirt and a black biker jacket. I quickly realized that I've already checked that detail this morning.
Have you quite finished starting at him?—Nope.—- I suddenly blinked and slapped myself mentally.—Friend my ass—- My conscience mockedYou do realize that I'm you and you're me right?!—-Of course, that's why I know you. Deep inside you.—just shut it down!

When I was done with my mental conversation, I was able to look at the seated guy in front of me, still in the same position, a smirk tugging on his lips.
Fuck. This guy is gonna be the death of me.

- " Gray, What are ya doing here?" I asked ignoring my conscience saying to just bury myself in a hole there.

- " What does it looks like?" He smirked that handsome smirk again. Man, this guy is a stunner. "Reading a book" he mocked as he shrugged and waved his book.

I rolled my eyes. A stunner with an overinflated ego.

A idea popped in my mind as I grinned.
I directed straight to his table and pushed his legs off the table and sat on the spot. I crossed my arms and gave him a satisfied smirk, glaring at him playfully.

The moment our eyes met- [ON HIATUS] Where stories live. Discover now