Chapter 30

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AN : GUYSSS!! I'm so so so damn excited right now! I'm literally squealing in my bed at 3am!! I originally planned to post this chapter in two days, this Tuesday or Wednesday but I just read the last FT 100 years chapter and I'm screaming in my mind!! I cried—screw it, I sobbed on my bed! And not ashamed to admit it! Don't know if you guys read it—definitely not going to spoil but let me say this after reading the chapter : OUR GRUVIA IS FUCKING CANNON! (They always were but I feel like I'm falling in love with them all over again!)
Waiting for the next one eagerly and well since I'm feeling ecstatic, I decided to treat you with this chapter!




Have I ever told you that I hate maths? Well, I'm saying it now. I. Hate. Maths. I just don't get that damn subject. It's too complicated. Everything is too complicated. One second you think you got this and the next second you feel as if you were a complete idiot, as if you know nothing.

(AN: Just for info, I absolutely love maths and I'm good at it. My forever favorite subject so it's killing me to write this 😭😭)

But you know what's weird about me though, I love physics. Yep. I love physics but hate maths. Strange right? Well that's me, Juvia Lockser. I've always convinced myself that I'm unique that's why I'm like this but yeah, let's say, I prefer to think that way than admitting myself that I'm a total whizz at maths.

Anyway I'm getting off the subject.
(AN: Got the pun?—-No? OK. I'm getting out.)

I shook my head and focused on the board which was filled of x, y and some other weird symbols—seriously, why the hell there're fricking letters in maths?! I thought maths is numbers!

I sighed and concentrated on my professor, Mr.Skills, rambling about the natural logarithm. He's been doing that for the past twenty minutes and I didn't have an idea what is he talking about. For my part, I was still stuck at log.

I eventually gave up and instead started writing something in the back page of my note book.
«...An Atlantic blue swirled into a dark wave with so much light in them...»

I immediately stopped writing and looked at the phrase I just wrote as the image of those blue eyes flashed in my mind. I  read the note and then read it over again. My breath hitched and I closed my eyes to chase that memory away—chase him away from my mind.

A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts and I opened my eyes to find blue eyes.—Wait what?

I blinked and looked at Gray a few meters away from me, at the door. When he caught my stare, he immediately broke the eye contact and turned away, focusing his attention on our professer.

Mr. Skills didn't seem very pleased and well—was glaring at those who interrupted his class, in other words, Gray, Natsu and Loke.

- " YO Skills!" Natsu yelled in his usual joyful tone as he waved a hand.

Lucy who was beside me face palmed as I stifled a chuckle but I could hear small snickers in the class room.

- " Mr. Dragneel, it's all but a way of greeting your professor? Haven't you learnt some manners?" Mr. Skills asked in a sever tone.

Natsu frowned in response. " Why're ya act—-" before he could finish his sentence, Gray slapped a hand on his mouth.

- " Sorry for being late Sir, May we come in?" Gray asked to which our professor nodded and muttered a "quick" still with a stern look before turning back to the board.

The moment our eyes met- [ON HIATUS] Where stories live. Discover now