Chapter 58

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Untangling the messy rope, I eyed the climbing wall warily. It's be at least fifteen meters tall, holds all over the wall, continuing over the ceiling where three red flags were hanging on.

We were currently at Magnolia sports center, it's the sports day that Erza had talked about a few days ago. We were competing against Lamia scale High, and Blue Pegasus Academy.

The rules are simple, participants are teamed up in a group of minimum three members. Each team chooses a menu, a menu composed of three individual sports. There're three levels, a level corresponding to each sport, accessible only if we pass a level.

Me, I was with Gray, Natsu and Lucy.
We'd chose the menu A which included boxing—guys preference— swimming—mine of course—and climbing which we don't really had a choice if we wanted the boxing and swimming. Guys had already won the boxing, taking us to the second level which is climbing.

Two members of the team has to climb and the goal was to get a flag. But it's not an easy task as we were five teams, meaning ten people are climbing to get a flag while there're only three.

Lucy was feared of heights which left me no choice but to climb as she belayed me. A frown made its way to my face as I was finding it hard to tie the top to my harness.

I was too concentrated on my rope that I didn't notice the person before me until I felt his touch on my fidgeting hands.

When I looked up, I saw Gray's amused stare. With a smirk he did my rope and attached it to my harness in a two quick movements leaving me to gasp as he pulled me closer to lock it there. When his eyes found mine again, I saw his eyes staring at me intently.

I recalled our moment earlier this morning. Our passionate kiss and how I told him that we should talk. We were both waiting for it. We were both waiting to be alone and clear out things between us. For my part, I decided to be completely honest with him. I'm gonna tell him exactly how I feel and clam him mine.

A throat clearing in the background got us out of our stance as I caught Natsu smirking and Lucy's teasing smile.

- " You can get lost in each other's eyes later, now we've a competition to win," My blond friend teased, while Natsu snickered at her side.

- " You mean fuck with eyes, Luce."

I blushed at the choice of his words clearly embarrassed.

- " Fuck you, Cinder breath." Gray muttered with a glare making his way to the wall, not without powdering his hands with chalk powder.

I did the same eyeing his form as he placed a foot on a hold, stretching an arm up on a hold, he pulled himself up, swiftly moving up without any unnecessary movements.

His form was stretched out on the wall in a very alluring, appealing way, his clenched biceps, defined muscles through the thin tissue of his grey t-shirt showing off his tanned body.

I found myself unable to look away from his form and sadly, I was aware that I was not the only one who found the sight alluring—nope. It was quite a sight for all the girls in the hall, even for some males.

Suddenly, he stopped moving, steadying himself on a hold easily before casting his eyes down, his lips tugged up in a teasing smirk.

Oh. I was caught—not that I was very subtle.

- " If you've finished ogling me down there,  you should climb." He shot with a handsome grin that melt my insides.

I looked down a moment flushed but didn't object him. What's the point? He already knew he could melt me in a puddle just with a stare.

The moment our eyes met- [ON HIATUS] Where stories live. Discover now