Chapter 14

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Today is the final day of our camping which means that after our return to the town, Gajeel and Laxus will be leaving so I'm little sad, I've a feeling that this weekend passed so quickly.

But I brushed it quickly, today is the last I'm seeing Gajeel before two months so I've to enjoy as much as possible.

- "Raindrop...What happened to you? Do you suddenly started like your amazing brother Sprinkler? Gihi..."  Gajeel grinned. I rolled my eyes at him.

- " First of all, I suddenly not started like you Gajeel, I always have" I retorted as I gestured the quotes marks with my fingers.  " Aaannd... you're certainly not amazing..." I sighed.

- " Oh yeah? Than why are you clinging on me today?" He smirked proud of his words.

- "Pff...That's not true! " I huffed crossing my arms.  "it's're everywhere I am at the same time..." I pouted.

- " Because for you, being in the center of a group of boys is normal ?" He retorted. I was about to protest but I looked around me to find myself eventually in the boys group, girls were not far from us, making dinner and knowing my cooking skills I preferred to stay here.

- " She's always welcome here anyway..." Jellal who was on his car hood retorted, finishing his beer.

- " Thanks bro! " I exclaimed with a wide smile. He ruffled my hair in response.

- " From when is he your bro?! Then who am I?! " Gajeel yelled.

- " Is it a fit of jealousy Metalhead ?" Natsu snorted.

- " Shut up Flame idiot! " Gajeel snapped at him angrily. " And no! I'm not jealous! Why would I be ? "

- " Maybe because Juvia just called Jellal as her brother..." Loke said. I glared at him.

Seeing Gajeel getting angrier, I grabbed him by shoulder and made him look at me though he looked away stubbornly.

- "'re irreplaceable..." I said him seriously looking into his eyes. " I won't be here now without you and certainly not met them all..." I showed a hand around us. "...You were there for me during all that shit...and I...I always have thought that you're the only good thing in my shitty life..." I whispered thoughtful as he held my stare.

- " Ohe...I'm not going away forever, sounds like a farewell to me..." he chuckled as he stroked my cheek. I laughed blinking back my tears. My brother suddenly held my chin to face him.

- " Rain're one of the greatest person I've ever known, trust me I won't say this to anyone like that...I'm saying it because I know you...and you don't have a shitty life at all...I think it's wonderful to have me. Gihi..." He grinned. I smiled.

- " And now you have us." Gray added seriously and I let my gaze on him a moment before averting my eyes.

- " I love you and you're the best thing in my life too Sprinker..." Gajeel added in a serious tone.

- " Even though I annoy you like hell?" I asked doubtingly.

- " Yes. Though you're the most annoying person I've ever known but I still like you Trouble maker!" He sighed. I laughed.

- " Hey! That's not true!" He stared at me.
" Fine. Maybe..." I added.

- " Anyway, as I said, I'm not going forever, I'll be back in two months so don't need to be so affectionate with me or else I'll start to think seriously that something's wrong with you..." He said. I looked at him offended.

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