Chapter 70

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AN : There's a small mature part here so skip that part if you're uncomfortable.

Enjoy your reading.


The moment I saw Ever on a barstool of the kitchen island as I entered, I knew she was there for Juvia. She greeted me and I responded with a nod as I made my way to my room.

- "Gray! Wait!" I halted in my steps and glanced back at Lucy who stood at the bottom of the stairs, a tray of food in her hands.

She started before I could talk. "I know you haven't ate. You didn't get a proper meal for the last two days. So don't argue and feed your system." As I was about to protest again, she held her hand up while adding, "And Juvia didn't eat either. So I trust you to feed her." And with that, without leaving me a choice to refuse, my annoying friend placed the tray in my hands and left to join the girls.

I sighed and glared at the food tray before making my way up. Placing it on the console table, I made my way in the bathroom where I splashed water on my face. I stared at my vision on the mirror as I replayed the hectic day in my mind again and again. Resisting the urge to punch the glass, I left the room and took off my tee on my way, pulling up a new one.

I grabbed the tray of food and left my room. I pondered in hesitation as I stood in front of Juvia's room recalling how she reacted with me this afternoon. I didn't know I could get disturbed by random things. But as usual, Juvia proved me wrong. I found out that I could be very upset by her refusing my help and pushing me away I hated it.

And I hated my hesitation at the moment. I hated the fact that I had to ponder whether to enter or not in her room. And I regretted not killing Bora as I thought about it. Don't think about it, Gray. I shook my thoughts away before focusing on the closed door in front of me. I mentally kicked myself for overthinking and opened the door in a swift, hoping that she won't throw me out. Honestly? I didn't give a damn about her throwing me out, but deep down, I feared her pushing me away again as I knew it will be hard to take it.

But then again, didn't I promised myself to not give up?

I closed the door while giving me this pep talk and turned around to her as I flicked the lights on. I wasn't surprised when I found her buried in her comforters, pretending to sleep. I rolled my eyes at her and headed further in the room.

Setting the tray on her nightstand, I watched her back as her form moved with each breath she took. She was a good actress though. I had to give her that. I didn't want to invade her privacy so I stood beside her bed.

- "Juvia?" I called in a low voice. She flinched slightly and moved afar and it hurt me. How was I going to bear her distance with me? The girl who's always been by my side and even clingy with me...

Brushing off my feelings, I focused on Juvia. If only she could look at me once...

I blinked and lower my voice an octave, "I know you're not can pretend to sleep all you want later but please do eat now, I bought you food, it's on your nightstand. You need to eat to keep up with the medicines, please, Juvs... " I  added. "...I will leave from here, don't worry. But I will come to check if you've finished your food, later."

With I turned on my heels and walked toward the door even if everything in my willpower was screaming to not leave her alone. But as I told Gajeel before, her wishes come first. If she doesn't want to see me, then she won't see me, no matter how much it hurts me. Closing my door, I leaned on it and let my body hit the ground as I placed my arms on my knees. Shit. Why the heck it hurts this much? Why the heck it feels like I'm losing something important?—Not that Juvia wasn't important but why does it have to feel like I'm losing her somehow when she was a door away from me?

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