Chapter 66

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In nineteen years of existence, I've never felt so much nervous before, no before an exam nor before a race. I have always been confient about my steps. However, as I stood in front of that white door that early morning, all I was, was a nervous wreck. My hands were sweaty and my heart was pounding against my chest and I was losing my mental sanity just by standing there.

Forgetting about my gathered friends, I closed my eyes. Juvia appeared then, laughing at something I said as she clutched her sides. I could almost hear her beautiful laugh ring in my ears as I opened my eyes. I took a deep breath and turned the knob.

One thing that never surprised me about hospitals was white. Most of the stuff was white. Something flashed in my mind as I entered the room.

- "What's your name young man? Who are you to her? Boyfriend?"
A doctor asked as he noted something and looked at me.

- "Gray Fullbuster. No, I'm not." I shook my head hastily. "I found her and brought her here. How's she?" I asked concerned.

The kind looking doctor grimaced. I guessed his answer.
- "She'd hit her head hard and lost blood. I'm afraid she is not in her best shape, Mr. Fullbuster."

I shook my head slightly. I knew it. I knew she'd lost blood when I found her on top of that cliff. She'd lost so much blood but she needed to be saved. She was a fighter and she must be saved.

- "You've to save her! She was fighting to live when I found her. She's to be alive!"

The doctor sighed as he ran a hand on his scalp, tired. "I really wish I could save that girl, Mr.Fullbuster."

- "Gray's fine." I muttered. "Do you know any other information about her?"

- "No. I just met her." He nodded and turned to one of the nurses. She said something about finding her phone and ID card. She'll be contacting her family.

- " She's O negative. While she's a universel donor," We continued to stroll the longs corridors as my mind registered his words. —"she can only receive O negative and O negative donors— "I'm O negative!" I exclaimed.—are rare." He finished.

-" Dr. Larry, I'm O-negative. I can help her right?" I asked. He blinked before shaking his head to clear his thoughts. "You sure, yes..." He chuckled softly. "That'd be awesome. Thank you, Gray."

A few minutes later, I found myself laid on a hospital bed staring at the night sky as I felt my energy lowering on my right arm. I turned my head slightly to catch the packet of red liquid connected to the injection.

- "Thank you for your help, young man." The kind doctor bowed with a grateful smile when I got out of the room.

- "It's fine." I murmured as I gazed at the white door. "She'll be saved right?"

- "We have everything we need on our side. We will do our best to save her." He replied. "Thank you again, Gray." He shook my hand. "Would you like to know her name?"

I shook my head in a 'No'. I also added to not tell her about me blood donating. He looked surprised but nodded.

-" Dr. Larry?" He turned to face me. "Can I have her fireflies jar?" He looked even more surprised but complied anyway.

That was two years ago. When I refused to know her name or let her know my name that time, I never once thought that one day, I'll be standing at her hospital room again waiting for her to open her eyes. I did now. Fate is a mysterious bitch.

The moment our eyes met- [ON HIATUS] Where stories live. Discover now