Chapter 17

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I woke up with a new freshness. I felt absolutely refreshed, so in order to get up, I kicked off the blanket little too fast and suddenly I felt an electric shock. arm...

That's when I remembered what happened in the bowling center, I looked at the clock on my bedside table to read 9:24 pm, which means I'm home with everyone else. I glanced at my arm to see it now bandaged, I sighed and got off the bed, heading downstairs where I could hear my friends voices, surprisingly calmer than usual. I frowned, as I approached the living room, I could hear small whispers.

- "...wasn't there by coincidence... neither picked a fight for nothing Gray..."  Wait, this voice sounded like Cana's.

- " Now they know about J—-"

- " Hello Guys!" I entered with a big smile, I was taunted to listen to them but thats not right. That's called eavesdropping— The reason why I interrupted them stupid conscience! 

When they saw me, Cana became alerted a second before smiling wide, I wondered why she has to be alerted by me ? Now, I think I should've listened longer. My curiosity is killing me inside out right now—No Juvia, they're your friends, they won't keep something serious from me, they'll just tell if I need to know. Plus, it may be someone's personal stuff.

- " Juvia! Thank god you're okay!" Erza hugged me followed by Lucy and Cana. All my doubts and worries were gone, a warm feeling filled me as I hugged them back with a soft smile.

- " Don't scare us like that stupid! " Jellal hit my head lightly before petting it affectionately.

Natsu and Loki has happy grins on their faces as they bumped their fists with mine.
- " Bold move Juvia..." Loki added in his usual charming tone and I rolled my eyes smiling.

Soon after, Jellal went to get me a coffee, this guy knows my love for coffee too well and I love him for that. The only one who didn't utter a word was Gray, he just stood in the same position, arms crossed leaning against the wall staring at me seriously. I felt uncomfortable and a bit down, maybe little hurt. I mean I just saved his life and I get not even a thanks? I couldn't even read something in his eyes, seriously when I could, his eyes were always cold and indescribable anyway.

I decided to ignore him and concentrate on my pizza–yes, Jellal ordered pizzas, like I said I love this guy—as a friend of course. Erza really did a great choice.

- " Juvia?" Speaking of the devil, I looked up at Erza.

- " Thank you..." I knotted my eyebrows confused so she added " What you did today is reckless and the most foolish thing...but...but... we couldn't have Gray with us, if you didn't do that..." She glanced between Gray and me, he was staring at Erza too.  "Sure, this idiot won't die with just a stab but...he may have been seriously hurt...and prevented that... and that's why thank you...". Erza finished smiling warmly at me. At least she, she does know politeness, not that I expected thanks but it still polite to say it.

- " To be honest, I didn't even think about it when I did it..." I shrugged.  " I just did what I thought right at the time, so it's more like a reflex..."

- " Because you actually thought that was the right thing to do? " Gray suddenly exclaimed with a bitter laugh, shaking his head. I looked at him confused.

- " If you're still in your cloud «I did the right thing cause I'm the self sacrificing idiot» Just snap out of it! " He continued gesturing quote marks as he got up from the couch he was seating and moved towards me.

- " Gray..." Jellal said in a warning tone.

I was surprised at how his voice was cold and harsh. He never talked to me, no to anyone like that—at least that's what I thought till now but I was wrong.

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