Chapter 67

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If someone had told me that one day, my hands will tremble while I turn off my J8's motor, I would've laughed right at their face, yet here I was, watching my hands shake as I pulled over at the hospital's parking.

I passed a hand in my face and breathed out a long sigh to calm my nerves. Juvia needs me right now. I've to be there for her. I reminded myself as I made my way outside after grabbing a few things. I headed straight to the fourth floor as Lucy texted me that she was moved to an observation ward after whatever happened.

I saw Lucy pacing in front of a room and when she saw me, her eyes glistened. Bad. Something was bad.
My heart started beating rapidly as the same uncomfortable knot formed in my guts. Damn it. Keep your cool, Gray. I scolded myself mentally as I approached my friend.

- "Where's she?

She glanced at the closed door without a word and looked back at me and nodded. I placed a hand on her shoulder and glanced at Levy. I could see that Lucy was visibly shaken, maybe she was the one who was with Juvia?

- " Levy, can you bring Lucy home?" I asked my friend but she looked hesitant to leave so I added, "I'll watch Juvia and Gajeel will be here soon."

She nodded and took our friend's hand. Lucy glanced at me one last time, "Gray, take care of her."

- "I will." My eyes left Lucy to Levy, "Take care of her." She smiled.

I watched them leave before sighing and moving to Juvia's hospital room door. I didn't think much like the last time, instead I opened the door in a swift and slipped in.

The room was unsurprisingly empty, hospital bed was intact if not for the crease of comforters. The bathroom door was slightly open and calming my rapid heartbeats, I made my way there and knocked waiting for her to open.

Minutes passed and I was met with silence. Panic raised in my heart as my hands started getting clammy.
- "Juvia? It's Gray. Open the door." Without waiting for her answer, I opened it urgently and found no one.

The same ugly feeling grew in my gut but this time, it was not only panic but also fear. Oh yeah, I was scared. Scared that something—NO. No. She'd to be fine. She'd to be fine. She's somewhere near me. I could actually feel her nearby.

- "Juvia?" I called out in the empty room as I looked around for her in every corner of the room.

When I didn't find her, I bursted out of the door frustrated and was about to give a piece of my mind to anyone I find, when my footsteps stopped in midway. My eyes widened as I slowed down and took a few steps back, eyes fixed on a particular point of the patio.

It was raining, droplets of water wetting the shielded zone and making my sight misty but I saw it. Hidden behind a pillar was a girl in white dress, lost in her own world as she didn't even mind the rain wetting her bare feet and the edge of her dress.

Seeing her like that overwhelmed me in any ways. If on one hand, I was relieved and could actually let out the breathe I was holding in my lungs, on the other hand, I was scared of what state she was in. The Juvia I knew wouldn't seek loneliness when she had her friends waiting for her to open the door, she wouldn't seek loneliness when she hated it. Yet, here she was, seeking the only thing that she despised. Loneliness.

Without minding that I had to cross the patio in the rain to reach her, I made my way to the spot where she was. I slide down on the other side of the pillar she was leaning in and stared at falling rain, soaking the grass and plants with its freshness and wiping away the dirt on the ground.

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