Chapter 64

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Hello my dear readers, I hope you all are safe. I'll let you read the chapter but please do read my message at the end of the chapter.


I watched the raindrops hit the large glass windows, washing away the dust and leaving a trail of icy layer behind them. Any other day, we'd have been all curled up together in the warmth of our home, watching a film or playing games.—But not today. Not when our raindrop was laying on a hospital bed unconscious for the last eight hours.

I sighed as I watched my friends. The usually noisy Natsu was sitting calmly with Lucy in his arms, Gajeel was pacing around like a caged tiger, Loke watching his watch every two minutes and pestering nurses about Juvia's condition. Jellal who was the most composed one was distraught. Silver stood a few meters away, watching his son who was standing alone watching the rain as well.

It pained me physically to see my best friend like this. It reminded me of one of the most darkest period of our lives,  when Gray lost everything he had for a second time. When he started building unbreakable ice blocks around his heart. When Gray lost his smile and gave up his happiness.

Someone broke those blocks though. Someone managed to forge their way into his heart through the walls to make him smile again. That person brought the old Gray—our Gray back, in a very small amount of time. And he started believing that he did deserve happiness and he could be happy with that person. But the fate is cruel, it tends to take the one thing we need the most, crashing our hopes and dreams in a blink of eye.

The said fate has played many times in my friend's life, I was patient, was there for him even though he rejected my aid, looked after him. But this?—this was a lot even for me. He didn't deserve this, he didn't deserve this pain. He was healing slowly and suddenly his medicine was took away from him, opening his deepest scars, bringing his darkest past and deepest fear back to life.

But I could only blame the fate, I was powerless. I could only watch him struggle as he was fighting his worst fear.

I glanced away and wiped the corner of my eyes, though that didn't stop my tears. Keep your calm Erza. This is not the moment. You shouldn't let yourself cry. Be strong. I kept repeating in my mind. I should not break. I should not.

A feather touch on my shoulder snapped me out of my stance as I took a moment to recompose myself before turning. Jellal.

His eyes watched my face and he gave me a sad smile and without a word he pulled me in the safeness of his arms. I buried my face in the crook of his neck and let my tears fall freely. I never needed to hide myself behind my strong facade with him—not that I could, he's always been able to read me.

- " I'm scared." A whisper broke out my trembling lips. "I'm scared of what it will do to Gray...if something happens to Juvia..." His arms tightened instantly as I found myself buried more in his warmth.

- "Nothing will happen to her." I nodded and closed my eyes. His words were always my hope. I could not, not believe him. A moment later, I leaned back and glanced at Gray.

- "I'll go talk to him."

Jellal stopped me. "No." He showed his chin over where Gray stood, Silver was hesitantly heading toward him. "I think someone else will do that."

- " Yeah." I agreed and gave a encouraging nod to Silver when he looked our way.


I loved a woman for more than a decade, cherished her to my dear life, and had a beautiful son with her. I was happy with my small family. They were my world. I was happy to go home after long missions, knowing that my family was waiting for me. I was craving to feel their warmth and love after every hard missions. They were my reason to fight to stay alive in the most impossible situations. So yes, I loved to go home after long days of longing.—Until one day that changed my whole life upside down. The day where my happy bubble burst, leaving only drops that were unable to collect.

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