Chapter 61

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Forth felt his entire existence flicker when the demon clawed across his chest, Pha's fangs biting into the demon's shoulder was all that he saw before he closed his eyes.

'Keep her occupied' Kimmon connected with Nila via his mate bond as he ran towards Pha and Max, who were now outnumbered by the demons.

A heart wrenching howl erupted from Pha, as he felt their bond turn feeble. At the same time both Beam and Tul screamed in pain.

An overwhelming feeling of despondency filled Nila, as she stood rooted to the spot. Looking directly at Maeve, her face gleaming with mockery

"Did your goddess fail you again?" Maeve laughed, but her eyes focused on the two lives on the alter. "It is almost time"

Nila looked around, Jisoo was close to crumbling, while Kimmon was gathering rest of this pack to the center, away from higher demons. He carried Forth softly in-between his jaws before clawing off another demon from Max.

Nila concentrated, knowing that Maeve is distracted with both Beam and Tul, she pushed all her powers to Jisoo and Jihyo, rushing to their side. With the added energy, Jisoo was finally able to break through Maeve's shield.

Nila wasted no time in snapping one of the witches in half, she clawed through another. The cover scattered breaking their chant.

Jihyo pulled out her knife and stabbed another that was trying to escape.

The remaining 4 witches tried to flea as they called for their mistress's help, but Nila was faster. She caught another two before Jihyo could kill one more turning them into a black puff of smoke annihilating them completely.

Her paws started glowing bright with red flames, indicating that she had unleashed her powers completely as in case of Kimmon and the last witch turned into nothing in matter of seconds.

'Take her to Forth' Nila commanded and it was only then Jihyo turned to look sat her sister who had almost collapsed on the ground.

She picked her up quickly and rushed to Max who stood guarding Forth.

Kimmon and Pha had vanquished every last demon, and none seemed to be returning now that the witches were no longer continuing their spell.

At the same time, Nila lunged aiming for Maeve, her fangs fully exposed.

But at a snap of her fingers, Maeve threw the humongous white wolf across the floor. Feeling his mate's pain Kimmon growled as he turned his focus on Maeve, who continued to look only at the Beam and Tul screaming in the middle of the alter.

She closed her eyes, and licked her lips in anticipation before chuckling "I know you are here"

"I have always been here" they heard Vulcan's voice. Pha froze, not having expected the god to betray them.

"You?" Jihyo yelled "We trusted you, prayed to you"

"and for that you reached your destiny safely" Vuclan said his tone amused

Kimmon and Nila, continued to push their remaining energy onto Forth and Jisoo, healing them from where they were.

They needed a distraction, keep the gods occupied as they attempted to save their pack.

"It was you who led us?" Max frowned, recognizing how they had felt a strong pull to join Phana's pack when they all had first met "you planned it all along"

"Well, I did plant that idea, but it was purely your choice to join the pack" Vulcan laughed, "and it was your choice to stay even when your white wolf offered you a way back"

They all slowly gathered together, as Ming slowly supported Kit to get back on his feet and join the rest.

"It was always your choice" Maeve chuckled "we only can guide"

"Imagine my panic when my beautiful here started to question her belief" Vulcan echoed, his voice a lot closer to them, as if he was standing right in front of Nila "her human was rubbing off on her more than expected"

"Was Diana a part of it too?" Ming stood on his legs, but his eyes were fiery red. Kit phased back as well, quickly followed by Phana.

Phana eyes were fixed on Beam, who was delivering a baby amidst the chaos that surrounded them.

"Hmmm" Maeve walked closer to the alter "looks like he need a bit of help"

"Nooo" Max rushed to the alter and he was knocked out of the way by Maeve, while Kit who transformed mid-way launched himself on her and bit into Maeve's extended hand.

Maeve caught his throat as she tried to pry him away when Ming tried to drive the Mordor's sword into her, but she vanished into thin smoke

A deep cut formed on Tul's extended stomach and deafening scream stopped as an invisible hand pulled out a baby.

Silence filled the chamber only to be broken by sound of a baby's shrill cry "Wait is over" Maeve's dark voice resonated in the cave.

Max stood rooted to the spot as he held onto his now slaughtered in half mate, breathing heavier and sync with Tul. He forced the oozing blood to freeze and seal itself.

Phana held the baby tight in his hands as Jihyo stood in front of him. She saw slow movement in Jisoo and Forth, but she kept her focus on Beam who was whimpering in pain his hands trying to reach for his mate.

Maeve materialized in front of them on the other side "Still willing to fight" amusement filled her eyes.

Suddenly Forth pulled out the sword and ran it through the empty space where Tul's young was floating midair.

Vulcan's scream split the cave into two, and for a flash they saw his corporal form bleeding before vanishing again

He quickly caught the child midair and joined his pack in heartbeat.

Ming looked around, Jisoo had joined them as well. They were all broken and half conscious, but he felt their resolution not to go down without a fight.

Beam and Tul were in no condition to fight, Max held both the babies tight in his arms as Pha and Forth joined them in the front lines.

Jihyo and Jisso knew their magic was no match for the goddess, but that didn't stop them from reciting the spell that strengthen the light in their weapons, their power depleting with every word.

'We really lost it all this time' Nila felt Ming echoing the same sentiments through his mate-bond, as he stood close to the towering wold

"For once, I agree" Maeve laughed, and Vulcan joined her.

Nila felt a small tug, freezing her surrounding as she focused on that. 'it is for you to choose', she heard Diana. She started panicking, Ming quickly looked around sensing the change in his mate, the goddess seemed to be talking but it was as though the time had stopped for them.

'I still believe' Ming replied running his hands through the pure white fur.

Nila sighed and opened her connection to the goddess, feeling extremely vulnerable and open. She trusted her mate more.

'Kit....' It was Posh's voice followed by Irin's 'Kitttt.... Can you hear us?', before they could respond they heard Posh screaming 'Yeah, yeah.... broke your command, how about you ground us later but for now let us in?'

With that, Kit felt their bond steadily gain strength a slow smile formed on his lips, as Nila accepted and opened her link to Posh and Irin, and within seconds he felt the energy from a thousand creatures being pushed into them.

All packs connected, Nila even felt the cold blast from winter feys and warm spring blow from summer court, all merged into one.

Ming phased back with renewed energy that pulsed through his matebond.

Within seconds, Nila and Kimmon, started to glow bright and when rest of the pack recognized what was happening. Their combined power coursing through their pack healing them, strengthening them.

"You...." Maeve screamed before she directed herpowers on Nila.

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