Chapter 33

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"You very well know there is no point in blaming Phana" Jihyo said as she sat next to Forth, who had eyes closed and head resting on his knees. He was silent as Dew pale face as she lied limp in his hands kept flashing before him, taking turns with Irin's, when they had brought her back to the pack house.

"You can sense her life force" Jihyo said silently wrapping her hands around his shoulder "concentrate on that, give her your energy"

"But it is barely there" Forth responded, his voice unsteady "why them? Why is it always who I care for?"

Jihyo sighed she had no answer. 

"Nothing will happen, they both will come out alive." Jihyo said as she got up "stop sulking like a child and do something constructive, help me with a cure", with that she walked back into the house that was filled with people and silence. 

Only sound that can be clearly heard was that of the ventilators.

Phana stood by the door, his face grim. Ming stood on the other side his face displaying no emotion while Kit on the other hand could not stop the tears flowing down.

Beam sighed as he recognized it was no longer Ming and Kit, but Kimmon and Nila waiting for their cubs to return to them. He slowly patted at exhausted Jisoo who was leaning against his shoulder, feeling completely drained.

His wolf paced restlessly feeling the misery and guilt his mate felt, he wanted nothing but to comfort him but Tee knew it was time to hold back, and let his human handle of the situation.

They waited in silence as Jihyo continued to search through her grandma's notes with Forth's help.

Kit's parents stepped out from the room where Irin and Posh were being treated. They had listened to everything in silence, only when Sean asked why are they not surprised, they told about their family lineage where they have always known the presence of wolves and legend of white wolf.

Kit of all people felt betrayed, but he chose to forgive them given the situation.

"We need to do something, they are running out of time" Kit's mom said softly as he sat next to Beam "did you find anything?" she asked Jihyo

"No" Jihyo's voice broke but she collected herself before she broke down "but we will"

The door suddenly banged open as Earth ran in, "Jaylyn..." he said struggling to breathe "dead... spell book"

Sean rushed to his side, quickly followed by Phana "Earth... what happened?"

"Got message from Wayo" Earth said, slowly gaining control over himself "Jaylyn could not make it, but they got the spell book... he is on his way"

Jihyo stood their stunned, while Jisoo broke down in Beam's arm

"What spell book? What are you talking about?" Forth gritted his teeth as he wrapped his hands around Jihyo only to find her shaking badly.

Alec who had been sitting silently so far with his wife got up in a hurry and rushed "Did they manage to find it?"

Earth nodded.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Phana lost control looking at his father "Are you still keeping secrets from me?" he asked his eyes glowing and his aura became imposing without him even realizing

Beam quickly moved in front of Phana, standing between him and Alec "what matters is why do we need it?", he turned to Alec after shooting a quick glance at Kit's parents "For now, Posh and Irin is our priority"

Earth gulped, unable to withstand Pha's dominance he kneeled first along with Sean and Alec "I am sorry, your highness." He murmured unable to lift his head "I had no idea"

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