Chapter 20

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"Don't you dare tell me you never led me on" Phana and Kit stopped on their tracks when they heard Beam yelling at Forth. He was chocking Forth by holding his collars with both hands, it looked as if he was shaking him.

Forth sighed as he pulled Beam's hands away and held it in place, "I did" he agreed "but only after checking if you both were together"

"The answer was no then and is no, now" Beam said looking into Forth's eyes.

Phana turned back but Kit held his hands, stopping him from walking away "I know you love him" Kit whispered "hell, everyone does.... But let's hope you get some closure one or the other way". Phana just closed his eyes as they both stood listening to Beam and Forth argue.

Pha growled, wanting to pounce and shred Forth to pieces for even being near his Tee.

"I don't greed for what is my brother's" Forth said with finality "and you are only cheating yourself if you keep saying you don't love him"

"So, my wolf likes his wolf" Beam said in a bitter tone "But I am not Tee, I am Beam... I chose what I like"

Tee growled, wanting to actually kill Beam, his human counterpart if that was possible, Beam ignored the snarls.

"I choose who I love, not some stupid fate" Beam said as he pulled away "If you don't like me – just say that, don't give this mate bullshit"

Forth stopped him and looked him in the eye "What I am telling you is that you have already chosen, you are just appalled by the fact that you have to agree with your wolf this time"

Beam forcefully pulled his hands away "I know myself, thank you very much", he just walked away running towards the forest, wanting to let out some frustration.

Forth looked at Beam's back before turning his head "I know you are in there, please come out"

Kit dragged Phana along with him to Forth, he looked at the tall figure in front of him and crossed his hands "Do you sincerely like Beam?"

"I might have" Forth replied nonchalantly, his eyes fixed on Phana

"Then you should accept him" Phana said, finally looking at Forth "you should try your best to make him happy, he deserves the best"

Kit could sense the hurt in Phana and for a split second he thought Phana eye's changed bright red before becoming normal again. "Do what you need to do" Phana said, "I can take care of myself"

"He is in love with you" Forth said "He is just being adamant to admit it to himself, I feel his confusion – between being your friend, wanting to be your lover and your mate"

A sad smile formed on Phana's face "I will be anything he wants me to be", and with that he walked away

"If only I could beat some sense into those two" Kit muttered to himself as he turned to Forth "Are you okay?"

"I will be, it was just lust from me, not love" Forth shrugged "I think"

Kit started to say something, but was interrupted by a huge cry from Jihyo "I found it... I found a way to fight the demons"


"So a bronze weapon, powered by light?" Ming repeated Jihyo's words "like in star - wars?"

"Light sabers?!", Posh looked in wonder "cool"

Jisoo face-palmed herself "Can you guys come into world of fantasy instead of science fiction... think game of thrones, lord of the rings" she tried to explain in their terms

"Sorry, never saw game of thrones" Ming pouted at Kit, who chuckled "It was so ...".

"Guys" Jihyo cut him "Light need not mean actual light – they say demons are the dark source of power right, and they crumble in front of goodness, love, sunlight etc"

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