Chapter 54

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What welcomed Phana was nothing but a vast dead land that felt heavy with power and something else that he could not comprehend. 

It must have once been a thriving forest and not all that remained was nothing but its skeleton. At least we have some cover, he thought to himself and felt Ming agree with him.

They both scanned the area, ready for any attack but none came. 

"Kimmon doesn't sense anything as well" Ming said, his eyes on Kit who agreed "Nila too"

Looks like the spell still holds, Nila muttered a small prayer to herself, Please guide us. Kit couldn't help agree with her.

Follow the sunken star, it will lead you to safety Kit heard the goddess whisper, he looked around to confirm that it was only him who had heard her. 

hanks  he whispered before saying "We need to follow the sunken star" out loud, "but I don't know wha..."

"Lowest star on the horizon... see on your right" they all heard Nila through their mind-link.

"There" Irin pointed out "it's very faint but it is definitely that blue flicker"

"Don't think it is late for you to turn back" Kit said softly looking at the winter fairies, but it was Nila who was speaking.

"We are doing our part" Tul replied coldly, "I don't see you asking Beam to go back!?", his eyes turned even colder if that was possible "unless you don't trust us"

Kit remained silent, as he looked at his best friend, his expression torn.

"Well..." Max shrugged "what are you waiting for?" and he started walking hand in hand with Tul in the direction of the star.

"Does he even realize he is walking towards war" Jisoo rolled her eyes, "it is like he is strolling a park with his boyfriend"

'That's what makes you all special' Kit heard the goddess again 'your bond and ability to love in face of adversity'

They continued following the star, and soon there was nothing but darkness and the faint flicker from their sunken star.

"Should we camp somewhere?" Posh asked "or we should phase"

"There used to be a small cave, a little up ahead in the mountain" Ming said, but his eyes glowed red in the dark "if I am right about this place"

"Do you know this place?" Phana asked, as he lifted a tired Beam on his back.

"This is where we were created" a small sigh escaped Ming "this used to be home"

"Oh" was all Phana could say.

"Then you know the land" Forth said "why didn't you say before", unable to distinguish Kimmon and Ming, he sighed. 

"I used to know the land" Ming corrected, his tone sharp "that was eons ago, before it became this demon hole"

"So this cave, will give us cover?" Tul asked as he then turned to Kit "You said you have seen the battle ground before"

"Nila has" Kit corrected, and then Nila connected 'I will lead you there tomorrow, but for now we are on the right direction'

"We are not going in completely blind, but we are surrounded by black spots" Posh observed "not a big deal"

They just hastened their steps, eyes wary of the darkness that was as following them but unable to break the circle.


"This is not bad" Jihyo looked around the cave as she dusted her hands having finished her spell, "not great but not bad"

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