Chapter 24

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Phana could hardly concentrate on the movie that was being played on screen, his eyes rested on Beam who was sitting as usual on floor resting his back against Kit's legs who had snuggled up against Ming in the love seat.

Beam had his chin rested on his knees, his eyes fixed on screen, but it was clear that his thoughts were elsewhere. Girls had nestled closer to each other on the couch, leaving enough place for Beam to join them but he had refused. Posh was snoring softly next to Phana.

"Join us" Irin called Forth who stepped out of his room "Forth, come on... please" she gave him the puppy eyes, but when he just stood looking unsure, she just pulled him by his shirt and dragging next to her on the couch "this is the last in their series.... I love Iron man" she explained him, while he sat there looking clueless.

Phana had to control his smile, looking at Forth's baffled expression. Ming kept his arms around Kit, but he had his eyes on Irin and Forth. "Are you watching out for your sister?" Kit whispered in his ears.

"Am I?" Ming whispered back, it was new for him – having someone other than his parents to worry about "is it a bad thing?"

"No" Kit smiled "but know this, you can't go overboard she would kick your ass; even Phana reins it in when it comes to her"

Ming nodded, feeling content to be surrounded by what he now called his family.

Phana ignored the comments, his mind swirling only around Beam – who seemed not to notice anything going around him. Phana felt a discomfort in Beam, but he couldn't point out what or why.

Suddenly Beam turned to look at him and it was as if his world froze when their eyes locked, everyone around them, every sound, every smell was non-existent. There was a loud whimper that broke their locked eyes, it took a minute to Phana to realize only he had heard it and it had come from Tee.

Beam quickly got up and went to his room, as surprised as Phana. In a minute, he followed him to their room.

"I wish Beam would overcome his self-hate" Kit sighed into Ming's nape. Forth followed them with his eyes, but didn't say anything. He then focused on Ming, he couldn't help but wonder what secret surrounded him

Forth sighed, if his hunch about Kit is true then there is a very good chance that Kit plays a key role in breaking the Maeve's curese, but thankfully no one seemed to know. He sometimes got a feeling that Kit might have a better understanding of himself, but he could not just ask.

It becomes important for them to keep Kit safe as much as Beam, and he also wanted to let them know that Beam being mated or not doesn't matter at all if they were trying to break the white wolf's curse – maybe that would put the omega's mind at rest and help him choose wisely.

Forth suddenly froze when he felt Irin rest her head on his shoulders, she snuggled closer to him as she dozed off. He slowly lowered himself so that she will be a tad bit more comfortable. He wrapped his arms around her as a feeling of warmth engulfed him.

Jihyo looked at them both sharply before turning her head to focus on movie, her expression hard to read.

"I will take her to her room" Ming slowly pulled himself off Kit "sorry".

Forth actually didn't want him to take her, for he was happy at the moment after a long time. Disappointment colored his face but he made no movement to stop Ming as he lifted his sister and carried her back to her room.

"Can you help carry him?" Kit asked Forth, pointing to Posh "I think he is flat out"

Forth silently got up and carried Posh, and Kit followed him. He had actually wanted to talk to Forth.

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