Chapter 10

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Kit slowly looked around as he scooted closer to Phana. Beam walked to them and sat next to him as opposed to his father's side, he has chosen his side. Sean chuckled as he looked at his son's small act of defiance.

Alec sighed as he looked at the faces looking at him expectantly, he was surrounded by the kids, Sean, his wife, his Beta Mike. "I am just waiting for Jaylyn, stop staring at me like this"

"Jihyo's grandmother?" Phana perked up "Why?"

"Ah" Beam said as he understood why, he turned to Kit and Phana "They both are witches, Jisoo too.... but Jaymom is like ancient"

Phana and Kit snapped their head "What?"

"Yeah" Beam said as he scratched the back of his head "She is the pack's healer"

Kit sighed, while Phana said "Our whole life has basically been a lie..."

Beam shook his head and was about to answer it when Jaylyn, walked in with Ming and Jihyo. Ming looked so lost, but he perked up to see Kit all healthy and perfect.

Kit rushed to Ming as he helped him sit between Phana and himself in the three-seater sofa, after he kicked Beam out of his seat. Beam just nodded and sat on the floor resting his back against the Sofa but not leaving their side

"Sorry" Jihyo said "secret, sworn to life and all" she tried to smile at Phana, but he didn't return it.

"How much does he know?" Phana asked pointing to Ming

"Less than you" Alec answered

"Know what?" Ming questioned and then perked up "My dad will be alone.... I need to go"

Sean sighed "Don't worry – I have asked one of my friends to take care of him"

Ming nodded, but looked at him – he had no clue as to why he was here or who these people were. He was getting more uncomfortable by the way the man sitting in the opposite single sofa was looking at him.

"Okay" Sean said breaking the silence "You owe us answers Alec"

Alec tore his eyes away from Ming and looked at Phana, when he started "What do you guys know about royals?"

"According to the stories" Beam answered, when Sean quickly shot him glare, "According to the legends" he corrected "There were two direct descendants of the First Wolf – The Guardian, and their lineage is called the Royals. There existence is critical for survival of werewolves kind"

"Kinda like the Originals from Vampire Diaries" Jihyo said with a smile, looking at Phana and Kit

"Yes and No" Alec interjected stopping the childish interpretation

"It was a time of Chaos in the world and all that was evil dominated the earth. It was then the goddess decided to create The Guardian, with the spirit of sun and death to fight against all that is evil. She then created White Wolf, his mate with the spirit of the moon and life" he paused "They were supposed to be immortal – their soul lived on as the very essence of Sun and Moon; creating a balance between dark and light, Good and the Evil – their main and only task to keep evil at bay"

Alec looked at his audience, when there was no question he continued

"They had two direct descendants who inherited their parent's strength; and they continued to aid their parents in keeping evil at bay"

"What evil?" asked Kit

"Ghouls, Vampires, Elf's and fraction of witches who threatened the existence of peaceful life" Alec replied

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