Chapter 26

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"This is all too much" Irin complained "Just say I love you and he will be over the moon", she sighed as he helped Beam decorate their backyard

Beam couldn't stop his cheeks heating up, he turned away from Irin's face only to hide "I want to make it special for him"

"Anyways, wont he know because of this wolf telepathy" Posh wondered "he is nosy"

"Jihyo and Jisoo are keeping him busy with all that reading about curse" Irin answered "but I think he will pretend just so his Beam is happy"

"Shut up" Beam said "I will see how you are when you guys find someone", he grinned "now get to work or say good bye to your $100"

The mention of allowance made Irin and Posh continue their work in silence, while Ming whined, "how come they are getting paid?"

Beam sighed, he was desperate and stupidly agreed to the deal Irin managed to sneak in

"that's because you have more money than all of us put together and Kit want's you to help me" Beam smiled "speaking of him, where is he?"

"He is training with Forth" Ming replied "they both will meet is in half an hour and Forth is joining our trip for this shopping of yours"

"Hmmm" Beam sighed, a little embarrassed around Forth when he remembered his confession, Forth had been right.

"He doesn't want you to even step an inch outside his line of sight" Posh said "am worried too Beam"

"We will be okay" Beam said, "we are ready for any surprise attack, even though it is unlikely demons would come at us in the shopping complex"

"True" Irin turned with a smile "So ,we are done here"

Beam only looked around – they had set a nice pathway with roses leading to the small table which held some candles that will be lighted later, and had the fairy lights up forming a pretty roof over their head

"I still think, he doesn't need all this" Posh said with a smile as he turned to Beam "So, my dear brother in law, that would be $100"

Ming burst out laughing, but Irin continued in a serious tone unlike her usual self "but, if anyone deserves to be pampered its him", she hugged Beam "Don't break his heart Beam, please"

Beam became speechless for a minute, while it was a request he could also sense the underlying threat coming from the 16 year old, he just hugged her back "I don't have what it takes to break his heart"

Irin smiled "anyways, feel free to add as much as tip as you want"

"I am officially broke" Beam said with a smile as he gave her the bills. Kit and Forth came in together "Wow, this is cool" , Kit said as he walked straight into Ming's arms

Forth stood with a small smile as he looked at Beam, "let's get going"

Beam turned to Forth "Thanks"

"Not a big deal' Forth said "Ming and I are planning to go to the pack after we drop you two when we are back, and will get Phana"

"Perfect" Beam smiled, as he turned to Kit "thanks"

"anytime" Kit smiled, he was just happy to see his best friends finally be happy together.


"This is perfect" Kit said looking at the simple bracelet made of white and yellow gold in an intricate pattern, which had a simple inscription inside We are Yours Forever – TeeBeam "Nothing fancy, flashy -and to the point" he ruffled Beam's hair "It is so you"

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