Chapter 35

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"I need more" Maeve discarded the limp body of the small child in her hands "bring more sacrifices" she commanded Zacharia before turning to look at reflection. 

She hissed as she still felt the raw burn from the Knife, wound had started to heal with all the blood she consumed, but her pride to be hurt just by an human was to be never healed.

"That bitch will pay" she muttered to herself as she glanced sideways only to find Mirek dutifully bring in another sacrifice

"My Lady" he bowed and then knelt in front of her pushing the child in front of him

Maeve laughed at his fear, it strengthened her more than the sacrifices

"Did you find it?" she asked him

"Sorry My Lady" Mirek trembled, hating to bring her the bad news "we are still searching"

"Liar" Maeve smiled, her face colder than ever "witches council has passed it on"

Mirek struggled under the weight of her darkness, unable to look up or even breathe

"Get out" she said softly before turning to the child with a cold smile "now, how old are you darling...."


Ming wrapped his arms round Kit, who sat on the sofa overlooking both Irin and Posh, his eyes distant. He could feel the swirl of emotions going through him, grief, confusion, desperation and worst of all rage.

"Kitty" Ming called softly, trying to bring him back to reality "Kitty, please look at me", he rested his head on Kit's shoulders "Please...."

"How do you do it?" Kit asked suddenly

"Do what?" Ming asked, despite understanding what Kit meant.

"One minute, I feel Nila's grief and next second I am Kit – who was this happy go lucky Kids few months back" Kit sighed "When did our life get so messed up Ming?"

Ming sighed, he knew that feeling.

"With all these supernatural stuffs, I sometime feel like I have gone insane" he leaned into Ming "I just don't understand how you hold it together"

Ming shrugged "Well, Kimmon is a lot simpler that you – all he needs is for you to be next to him and he keeps to himself"

Kit sighed "Yeah, Nila is a handful"

"So are you" Ming smiled "your mind goes through thousand things at a time"

"Hey" Kit pushed off Ming to look at his face "did you just call me handful?"

Ming grinned sheepishly "in a good sense"

Kit pouted, and then he sighed "see – you managed to distract me"

"Kimmon tried to find their wolves in sprit world, but he just couldn't sense them" Ming's expression turned serious, "Yeah, Nila couldn't as well" Kit said "maybe they are not looking at the right place"

Ming just pulled Kit into his arms again "Stay here, you make me calm"

Kit gladly scooted in closer and rested his head on Ming's shoulder. "I just wish Phana will go easy on himself" he said "he is blaming himself for everything, especially Forth"

"But he did that right thing" Ming replied, "even if it was unnecessary – none of us are going to die this time"

"I just thought the goddess will help us more you know" Kit sighed, "I think she can't" Ming replied "it is our choices that matter and not hers"

"What do you mean?" Kit asked looking at Ming "our choices, it is not like we chose to struggle"

"No" Ming was about to explain, when they heard a loud bang, and quick footsteps rushing in through the front door along with Jihyo's vice calling for them "Guyssss..... come quick"


'I was hoping that it would not come to this, but unfortunately we all need to go through hardships to find our selves coming out successful. Sorry about the old lady's rambling but Kids - you are our best hope.

Phana - My dear leader, for never once doubt yourself , they might say your weakness is the love  and respect you have for your family, but in reality it is your greatest strength. 

Now have I have said my mind, to the matter at hand ... – the only way to save those kids is to join them with their other halves, hidden behind the veil their wolves are restless to join the world.

Only the knife of Mordor only protects those who are worthy as only mother can protect her child.

The Veil heals itself at the base of Nefesh and that's where you will find your cubs, they have been patiently watching and waiting, bidding their time in unknown ....

Last, the binding ritual  will need the same bond that was used to break it and all you need to do is ask..

I hope you will do well.'

Phana wrote down the words as Jihyo's read her grandmother's note out loud and they watched is turn it into nothing the very second, she read the last word.

"I will go, we have Mordor's knife" Phana said looking directly into Ming's eyes, who shook his head his eyes glowing red "I am going and no further discussion" Kimmon said

"If I may" Wayo said in a soft voice "the note clearly stated who should go"

"Our mom?" Phana looked stunned, it didn't feel right but there was only reference to mother.

"No, but their mother" Wayo emphasized his eyes resting on Kit "The white wolf"

"He is not going alone" Kimmon said loud "I am going with them"

Beam sighed, this was the major problem in a pack – Alpha and their ego's, he locked eyes with Kit or well Nila, with eyes glowing purple, who just nodded with a sigh mirroring him.

"What is Nefesh?" Beam frowned, so far, the note has been clear – this so-called veil needs to be split open at base of Nefesh and they will find Irin and Posh's wolves.

"That we don't know it" Jisoo said with a frown on her face "I could not find any reference anywhere"

"It is that Oak Tree, where we found Mordor's knife" Wayo said "clearly you guys have no clue about Murdarc Center."

"It is the place where I tore open the portal to cast Maeve to the depths of hell" Kimmon said, as he looked at Nila, "A part of my soul stood guard at that spot and stayed there till the portal was opened"

"Okay – so that Oak tree" Phana said "but it doesn't mean that Kit .. eh.. Nila has to go there alone"

"The veil is a part of the spirit world" Kimmon said "I think its better if we go alone"

"No" Nila said softly "I will go alone"

"No", "Not you even dare" both Kimmon and Phana said at the same time, earning a glare from Kit and growl from Nila

"That fucking note was clear – ONLY mother" it was Kit who was yelling now "Don't you guys dare pull this all macho stunt on me. We can handle it well"

Kimmon sighed he had given up knowing Nila, and it was first time ever Kit had used 'we' when it came to Nila.

But Phana was about to refuse when Beam quickly said "fine then", he turned to Phana "You need to concentrate on getting Forth back"

"Bu..." Phana started, when Beam cut in "No buts – do that mind link thingy, pack alpha stuff and try to get Forth back" he glared at Phana, who gave up after staring at Beam for a couple of minutes.

"Wow" Jisoo whispered, looking at Jihyo "we were thought wrong, it is not the alpha but Luna who holds actual power in a pack".

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