Chapter 40

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"It smells like...." Wayo scrunched his nose as he walked along with Ming who completed his statement "Death" with a grim voice.

Wayo quickly turned to face him, and realized it was Kimmon who was walking with him when he saw his eyes flash red. He smiled "I didn't realize it was the guardian"

"Ming is the guardian and I am Ming" Kimmon replied with a smile "you will get used to it"

Wayo only nodded, they kept walking making mental note of their surroundings, making note of all demons that were guarding the place.

"both the young witches are talented" Wayo muttered when none of the demons could even sense them there. Slowly the cave grew darker as they went further deep, and Wayo heard the whimpers and wailing.

Ming took a deep breath "All human children, all firstborns. She is using their blood and soul to heal her". "Azure's" Wayo pointed on their right with his chin to Ming, who halted moving forward and turned to look "there are too many for us to fight"

"hmmm" Wayo frowned "let's see where the children are"


"What is taking them so long?" Phana asked, looking worried at both Ming and Wayo's sleeping figures.

"It has literally been 10 minutes" Beam sighed "they both will be fine", he shot a worried glance at Kit, who sat there as if he was in a trance.

"they are both in the centre of the cave, there are no exits and there are too any children" Kit said softly, and he shot a quick look at his friends "I can see what Ming sees.... Or it is like a double vision, I don't know"

"Wow" Jisoo said "you guys are really connected – I have read about it"

"Jisoo" Jihyo snapped "hold the spell, no distractions"

"I stopped couple of minutes ago" Jisoo said "you have been doing it on your own for some time now"

"Will she be okay" Phana asked her "Should you not be supporting her?"

"She is a lot stronger" Jisoo sighed and whispered "the connection has been created and it will continue until we break it; she is just being extra vigilant"

"She thinks it is her fault that Irin and Posh got hurt, and she is upset about Forth" Jisoo said softly, her eyes on Kit who seemed to be writing down everything he was seeing.

"They are returning" Kit said suddenly after some time, and at the same time both Ming and Wayo opened their eyes. Kit ran to Ming and hugged him tight, burying his face into Ming's chest.

"I know dear" Ming said as he wrapped his hands around Kit "I know"

"It is really bad" Wayo said as he sat on the sofa, after stretching himself "there is no way for us to fight"

"How about the pac.." Phana started

"Even with all the packs in the world" Wayo finished Phana's statement "there are too many demons"

"What do we do then?" Jihyo asked as he finally took the orange juice that Beam handed here "it is not like we can exactly open a portal and pull them out"

"That is exactly what we need to do" Wayo said with a smile

"Maeve was weak, it has been weeks and looks like Irin did some very serious damage with that knife if the goddess is still healing" Wayo said, "I wonder how she managed.... I have never heard of a human putting up a fight, let alone cause damage to an ancient goddess"

"That's our girl" Beam said with a soft smile, his hands interlocked with his mate's

"so, the wards are strong only around her" Ming said "outer ring where the kids are locked up, they just have demons guarding them"

"And you my young beauties" Wayo smiled "are truly most powerful witches I have even come across in all of my existence"

Jisoo smiled, a soft blush coloring her face but Jihyo sighed "yeah, right – major help it does when we can't save our friends"

Wayo just sighed, but his eyes wandered off to Forth's room as he continued "so, let's open up a portal and start pulling out the kids"

"and demon's are that dumb that they wont notice children disappearing?" Beam scoffed "and what's to stop them from kidnapping more"

"Then we need to go after Maeve herself" Phana said "if she is that weak, it would be the best time to attack"

"without your beta?", all of then turned towards the hallway where Forth stood leaning on his door with a soft smile.

Jihyo ran to him first and hugged him, with everyone following her. 

Forth wrapped his right hand around her, while his left was extended to hold the door frame for balance. He was bit surprised for he was certainly not expecting it from the elder witch.

Kit and Beam, smiled fondly at their friend who was struggling to back hold her tears. Jisoo only shook her head.

Phana walked to them and hugged them both together and said "thank you", before letting them go.

Forth only nodded, Jihyo finally let him go "stupid old geezer...."

"Hi, to you too" Forth chuckled looking at her as she wiped away her tears "I am sorry"

Jihyo took a step back, cleared her throat "next time you pull shit like that- I will kill you myself" 

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