Chapter 11

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Ming sat there silently his hands holding Kit's tight, while Phana kept patting his back every now and then, while he could understand every word he heard, nothing – absolutely nothing made sense. What made it worse was that the man called Alec kept looking at him – a look that conveyed longing, forgiveness and worst of all love.

Is he really my father? Ming tried to phrase what he had understood, Phana is my brother – well cousin, but Posh and Irin are my siblings. He took a deep breath it felt in all that chaos – there were only 2 people who kept checking on him – Kit and Phana.

Kit slowly pressed his hands once before scooting tighter and whispered "take all the time, it is too much to handle let alone understand"

Ming nodded, but he averted his gaze from Alec – a part of him was happy, while another was confused. What of his father, he had no one – and he had loved him as his own

"No one is asking you to forget your dad" Phana said slowly, when Ming looked up, "See, you got your parents while I found out mine are dead. But they are more of parents to me" he sighed "I don't really know how I feel, must be the same for you"

Ming nodded. Others pretended not to hear a word while they could hear every single sigh – wolf hearing!!!

Kit cleared his throat "Well, that explains both of them, what about me?"

Sean and Alec both had no response, they turned to look at Jaylyn.

She closed her eyes, "Kit, can you please come here"

Kit slowly got up freeing his hands from Ming's death grip and walked closer to Jaylyn and stood right next to her.

They all waited patiently for next 10 minutes, while Jaylyn has her eyes closed muttering something. She then finally opened her eyes and looked at him, before turning to Alec and Sean "I don't sense any wolf, nor magic"

"What?" Kit was stunned

"No way- he knew about Tee, he knew about Pha... how to help Phana phase back" Beam said shocked "Are you sure?"

Jaylyn shot him an annoyed glance "Are you questioning me?"

"No" Jihyo jumped in "He is not questioning you, mam, he is only worried for his friend", she shot him a glance that meant Shut the fuck up

Jaylyn sighed "Give me some time", she got up and walked away

"Kit – looks like you might be crazy after all" she said with a smile, but she put her hands around him "but we already know that"

Kit looked at her annoyed.

Ming got up and looked at everyone in general "I need to go home"

"I will drop you" Phana got up as well, he felt the need to get away from everyone, he needed time to think "Kit?"

Kit nodded, when Beam also got up "Can I come too?" he asked doubtful, unsure if his friends would still want to be with him.

Phana remained silent, he was not sure if he wanted Beam with him at the moment and he felt his wolf snarl at him. 

Pha was very protective of his mate, Phana sighed, he knew Beam doesn't like him in that way but looks like Pha is yet to understand.

"Maybe later" Phana said ignoring Pha's snarls "Just give me sometime Beam"

Beam teared up, there goes his second pack as well – unwanted everywhere

Kit jumped in "Don't be stupid Phana", he then turned to Beam "You are coming with us, and so is Jihyo" he quickly caught her left wrist "Don't think you can go so fast"

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