Chapter 64

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Pha walked in silence, carrying both Kit and Ming's listless bodies on his back.

Jisoo walked in front, while Forth matched Pha's footsteps. The calmness in the air confirmed that they have managed to win the war, but it made none of them feel relaxed.

Pha felt his connection to Beam get stronger by the second, but he silenced everyone else. Finally learning how to tune out his pack.

"Caves or Old castle?" Irin asked, she had no idea if she was walking the right path but just following her instinct.

"Old Castle" Phana responded, "others had made it"

"hmmm" she just continued to walk, not bothering to wipe away the tears. No matter how many times she did, they just seemed to be flowing non-stop. "they are not gone yet" She said loudly, "they cant be..." after sometime, not able to hold it back any longer.

Forth walked up to her and pulled her in his embrace, where she broke down into loud sobs. "Kit..." she finally managed to call out the words, "it's our Kit..."


They were at the doorway through which they had entered this realm, but Posh for all his effort could not open it. So others decided to rest nearby.

"How is he?" Irin asked, Max who gave her a small smile. Jisoo had been right, both Tul and Beam were getting stronger once the newborns came in contact with them.

Max slightly pulled in Tul against his chest, and when Irin gave him the baby, he held him against his mate – holding them both together, "He is better"

Tul's midriff had healed itself, as if it was never cut open. And Beam's lifeforce was strong. He had been conscious for past hour or so, holding his sleeping baby tight in his arms after feeding her for the first time.

To his dismay, while he felt Phana's connection through his bond, his mate had opted to go silent.

"Anything?" Jihyo sat next to Beam, while Posh stood guard.

Beam only shook his head, "I don't sense Nila", he took a deep breath "or Kimmon"

Jihyo didn't say anything, but instead closed her eyes "I thought the gods were fair..." and let out a large sigh "I have never been more wrong"

Posh turned to look at his pack, for the first time he had no sassy remark, no joke... not even a word to say.

"You can come rest too" Irin called her brother, "it's over"

Posh only shook his head and continued to watch over.

"Are you sure I cant feed him?" Beam asked Max again, worried for the youngest fairy prince "won't he be hungry?"

"We are not the same" Max replied, "thanks"

Beam woke up startled, he was not sure for how long they had slept. Only Tul was awake, and he was cooing at the baby . He finally looked like himself.

"Gald to have you back" Beam said softly, "how are you?"

"Okay" Tul said, "can you feed him, it feels like he is hungry, but I am structured very differently"

Beam got up, and sat next to Tul, ensuring he didn't wake others. They both softly exchanged the babies, "he is never going to let you out of his hands" Beam smiled looking at the death grip Max had on Tul "and rightly so, you scared us"

Tul smiled, "it feels so surreal" he made faces at the baby girl in his arm who seemed to be engrossed in him. "we lost and gained so much"

They continued to wait in silence, until they heard a sudden cry from posh, who transformed and ran towards the large wolf like figure at the distance. "They are here"

The White Wolf's Loverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें