Chapter 56

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"Further north, that is where the battle ground is" Kit said, "the one I saw in my dream"

Forth and Max who were used to concept of strategy planning when it came to any war surveyed the topography, while Phana just shook his head "I don't think we will have a war, war here"

"What do you mean?" Ming quickly walked closer to Phana who was standing over the ridge holding Beam's hand as he looked around.

They finally reached the high grounds which goddess had described when they first entered and were looking around after setting up the camp.

"I don't know, I keep thinking an actual war like in the historical moves that we watch... but for some reason something in me tells that it would never come to that" Phana said, looking at Kit instead of Ming

"Now you hear a voice too?" Kit joked, not making eye contact as he motioned others to join them.

"Don't know" Phana folded his hands "aren't you the white wolf", he folded his hands across his chest, defiance in his eyes as he looked at Kit and Ming.

Honesty he was hurt that they were keeping secrets from him, but he also knew not to question. Phana sighed when he realized he was being immature.

"I don't think it will be a war like that" Posh said, "I always thought it will be a sabotage from her and her demons, and we just have to kill her one way or another, once we unleash the full power of the knife"

"So basically" Tul joined them, his expression guarded "none of you", his eyes landed on Ming accusingly "none of you... have any idea about this so called war?"

"What do we do, where do we attack?" Tul continued "How do we attack?"

"We can guide you out" Kit replied "One of us can lead you out to safety"

"I don't think, that was the answer to my question?" Tul said, his expression still grim.

"Guardian has a plan" Forth said finally

"you know?" Phana said in an accusing tone

"No" Forth replied, turned to Ming "It is about time you explain us everything"

"Yeah" Beam sighed softly "we can't win a war blind"

"don't you dare think pulling a Jihyo on us" Jisoo smiled, her expression soft as she looked at Kit "we might be young, but we are not fools"

"I... er... We" both Ming and Kit struggled to find the right words, finally it was Nila who responded "we first need to complete the ritual" as Kit's eyes flashed.

"How can you expect us to follow you when you won't trust us?" Posh questioned, standing next to Irin "I think we have proved ourselves enough, otherwise we wouldn't have been chosen"

"Enough", the command sent them all a shiver to their very core, Kimmon's stood tall before them "we need to complete the ritual before high moon tonight, let's get started"

It was the first time he had ever used his alpha voice on them, and none could withstand against the weight it carried. Witches, Fairies and Wolves alike were on their knees except for Kit.

As quick as it had started, the weight vanished.

"Sorry" Kimmon sighed, "let's get started or we will miss out window. Time matters for these things"

Jihyo looked at Phana, Beam once before turning her gaze on Kit, no matter what we are still friends her mind connected with all three of them aren't we?

Kit looked away; a heavy silence filled the gap.

"Sure Alpha" Jihyo said, her tone formal "we will start casting the circle", she then walked away with Irin, Jisoo and Posh in tow.

Forth helped Tul to raise up and that is when he felt the difference. "You are with a child?!" his expression was unreadable.

"What?" Phana cried out in shock he had felt the subtle difference in them that morning, but he just didn't realize.

Forth continued fretting over Tul "but how....." he had never known that it was possible, "Why didn't you tell us?", he took a deep breath finally understanding Kit's words when the stepped out of Aspen.

Forth looked at Tul "You should leave"

Max's ignored Forth's statement, his expression equally cold like Tul he answered Phana "we learned only today, but looks like Nila knew it before us"

"It is like a circle within a circle with both Beam and Tul carrying a young" Nila sighed, "I know the pain of losing a child, and wouldn't risk anyone's"

"It is not your choice" Tul said, "I want to ensure that there is future, not just for my young but for all"

Kimmon and Nila remained silent, Forth looked visibly upset.

"Well, congratulations" Beam pulled Tul into a hug "am happy for you guys"

A soft smile finally formed on Tul's face, as he hugged Beam back "thanks. I didn't even know I can carry a young and we have lived for eons"

"let's ensure you continue as well" Phana said smiling "all the more reason for us to fight" he hugged Tul as well, feeling his joy and worry.

"Can you two stop holding my prince" Max pulled back Tul into his arms.

"I need you all here to cast the circle, so we can finish your command Sire" Jihyo called from afar.

"She is never going to let it go, is she?" Kimmon sighed, as he looked at Nila and Phana.

"Yes, and rightly so" Phana responded curtly and turned his back walking towards Jihyo.

"Hewill come around" Beam sighed, "but you need to accept that you two are notalone". He gave a soft smile towards Kit as he followed his mate. 


"I think we should tell them" Ming sighed and sat down next to Kit, his eyes fixed on Phana who was working in silence with Jihyo and others. Both the winter fairies were waiting in silence, Max holding Tul's hands possessively.

Kit looked into Ming's eyes, and then looked away unable to meet its growing intensity "You know why we can't"

"I think we are repeating their mistakes" Ming said, as he dragged up Kit to stand with him.

"I have a reason" Kit suddenly yelled, pushing Ming's hand. "Why, is it so hard for any of you to believe I might have my reasons". Tears ran down his face, as he walked away casting one look at his friends and mate.

Ming watched him, as Kimmon growled sensing his mate's pain.

"let me" Beam said out loud as he followed Kit, but Phana and Jihyo continued behind him, dragging Ming along.

"You guys keep working" Jihyo said looking at Jisoo who nodded.

"I hate when we fight" Jihyo said softly, almost whisper but all three heard it. "Me too" Phana said "me too" he let out a sigh.

"Sorry" they heard Kimmon connect with them "as much as I understand, you need to accept that you are part of this, and you are not separate from your wolves"

"Hmmm" Phana kept walking without looking back.

"I will try to calm her down, but she is hell bent on fighting this alone" Kimmon continued "truthfully, I think it is better too, but we are a pack and secrets don't help"

"I don't want them hurt" Nila's voice echoed filled with pain "would you put your mate and young at risk Phana?"

When there was no reply from them, Nila continued "then let me proceed the way I think is right"

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