Chapter 37

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A/N: Guys I don't proofread any of my chapters, if you find something weird please do let me know 😊

Thanks for reading so far.... and drop your comments, they encourage me more than you can ever understand...  😀😘


Ming felt someone shaking him softly, he opened his eyes and his gaze immediately landed on Nila and the pups that were snuggled up against her in the corner of the room.

"Ming" Phana whispered, immediately placing his fingers on Ming's lips before he could say something. Ming nodded and followed Phana out of the room where they had Irin and Posh treated, he saw Wayo standing with a frown on his face at the entrance of Forth's room.

"It's Forth" Phana said "I feel his connection slowly weakening"

"What?" , "Why?" Ming looked at Forth.

"I don't know" Phana said "I don't see any difference in him physically, but his connection is fading", he took a deep breath "I need to talk to Kimmon"

"He is fading" Wayo said when they both reached the room "he is giving up"

"He cant" Phana said looking around in panic, he grabbed Ming's hand "teach me how to connect with him on that mind space thing you guys talk about... I need to connect with him, I cant let him give up..."

"Close your eyes and concentrate" it was Kimmon speaking but he was still Ming "It will be easier if you phase"

Phana nodded as he readied himself to phase along with Ming. 

In a flash two huge Wolves with eyes for fire and gold stood before Wayo who said "please hurry your highness" .

"Concentrate on your connection to Forth, let it consume you and will yourself there" Kimmon said as Phana listened to his words.


Pha concentrated on his feeble link with Forth just as Kimmon instructed, and when he opened his eyes he was in a place that looked like what would have been a cute and colorful village, only this was deserted and covered with a thick fog. He felt Kimmon standing next to him and together they started walking the direction of the fog.

Soon, they entered what looked like a main street, there were broken pots and pans, walls smeared with something dark. "What happened here?" Pha asked as he paused his foot mid-air before stepping on what looked like a broken doll.

Kimmon shook his head as he replied "this might be his home"

"Forth's?" Pha looked around, and then continued walking in the direction he felt drawn to Forth's presence "You mean, he is here in his mind?"

Kimmon nodded but kept following Pha

"Why?" Pha asked mostly talking to himself, this place was depressing filled with broken dreams and sorrows, nothing but pain.

At the end of the path they found a small cottage "there... he is there" Pha ran, silently followed by Kimmon, and stopped abruptly in front of what seemed like a huge garden before the house. He heard a small girlish laugh followed by a soft humming.

Pha walked into the garden, only to find Forth sitting underneath a tree watching a little pixie run in front of him. His eyes followed the pixie's every movement with a sad smile on his face. He extended his hands a couple of times as if to hold her but she seemed to evade at the last second.

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